Arizona Chickens

So what breed of chickens does everyone have? Which is your favorite breed and why? I have a hienz 57 mix. I have 2 buffs, 3 black sex link, 6 EE, 2 lace Wyandotte’s, 1 barred rock, 3 copper Marans and the 3 I got from @BlueBaby. I really like my sex link girls. Big birds, fairly friendly and great layers, but I think my copper Marans are gonna be my favs. I have one that is named shadow because she is always in your business. Super friendly and wants attention.

I have a mix too. 2 RIRs, a Welsummer, an Australorp, an EE and 3 NNs, one's a roo. My faves are the NN crew. They seem to handle the heat here a bit better than the rest. They're also steady layers, will approach but not pester humans like my reds _for treats) and they're not normal looking. I love that part best I think.
I have a mix too. 2 RIRs, a Welsummer, an Australorp, an EE and 3 NNs, one's a roo. My faves are the NN crew. They seem to handle the heat here a bit better than the rest. They're also steady layers, will approach but not pester humans like my reds _for treats) and they're not normal looking. I love that part best I think.
What are RIR?
So what breed of chickens does everyone have? Which is your favorite breed and why? I have a hienz 57 mix. I have 2 buffs, 3 black sex link, 6 EE, 2 lace Wyandotte’s, 1 barred rock, 3 copper Marans and the 3 I got from @BlueBaby. I really like my sex link girls. Big birds, fairly friendly and great layers, but I think my copper Marans are gonna be my favs. I have one that is named shadow because she is always in your business. Super friendly and wants attention.

1 Bielefelder rooster (He's my soul chicken)
1 Smooth EE
1 Frizzled EE
1 Silkie hen
3 Black Australorps
1 Black Sex Link
1- Gold Laced Wyandott
6 Silver Grey Dorkings
2 White Rocks
4 Lavender Australorps (Though it's a bit of a stretch to call them Australorps)
3 Swedish Flower Hens
3 Aloha Hens
A handful of fully feathered barnyard mixes
A whole lotta NN Turkens

Current total = 74
1 Bielefelder rooster (He's my soul chicken)
1 Smooth EE
1 Frizzled EE
1 Silkie hen
3 Black Australorps
1 Black Sex Link
1- Gold Laced Wyandott
6 Silver Grey Dorkings
2 White Rocks
4 Lavender Australorps (Though it's a bit of a stretch to call them Australorps)
3 Swedish Flower Hens
3 Aloha Hens
A handful of fully feathered barnyard mixes
A whole lotta NN Turkens

Current total = 74
I’m gonna have to look up some of those breeds. That’s impressive!
I'm not from Arizona but I still follow the thread, though I'm a little bit behind, and since I'm visiting in March, maybe I can be like an honorary member? :lau

Anyway, I have a Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. I had 3 Buff Orpingtons but I lost my favorite hen to a hawk last fall. :hit they just turned 3 years old last month, hatched October 26th, 2015. I actually originally ordered 2 of each breed and added the free chick option but I lost the second Barred Rock at 6 days old to pasty butt :( and the free chicken happened to be a third Buff Orpington and female. :D
I'm not from Arizona but I still follow the thread, though I'm a little bit behind, and since I'm visiting in March, maybe I can be like an honorary member? :lau

Anyway, I have a Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. I had 3 Buff Orpingtons but I lost my favorite hen to a hawk last fall. :hit they just turned 3 years old last month, hatched October 26th, 2015. I actually originally ordered 2 of each breed and added the free chick option but I lost the second Barred Rock at 6 days old to pasty butt :( and the free chicken happened to be a third Buff Orpington and female. :D

Why is that, that it seems we lose the favorite ones first?! :he:hugs
I'm not from Arizona but I still follow the thread, though I'm a little bit behind, and since I'm visiting in March, maybe I can be like an honorary member? :lau

Anyway, I have a Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. I had 3 Buff Orpingtons but I lost my favorite hen to a hawk last fall. :hit they just turned 3 years old last month, hatched October 26th, 2015. I actually originally ordered 2 of each breed and added the free chick option but I lost the second Barred Rock at 6 days old to pasty butt :( and the free chicken happened to be a third Buff Orpington and female. :D

You van absolutely be an honorary member. Welcome to Crazy AZ! :hugs

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