Arizona Chickens

@SonoranChick It was nice over here today. Good temp, and just a small breeze. The chicken's got a good day of sunshine. The time of molt varies from chicken to chicken, and can also depend on age or breed.
It's my white leghorn, RIR and red star that are still laying. They layed daily all through their molts, and never seem to take a break no matter the season or weather. They are my consistent & reliable girls. I'm happy to hear your flock is doing well and your chickens got to enjoy the sunshine!
It's my white leghorn, RIR and red star that are still laying. They layed daily all through their molts, and never seem to take a break no matter the season or weather. They are my consistent & reliable girls. I'm happy to hear your flock is doing well and your chickens got to enjoy the sunshine!

With as many breed's that you have over there, you should be able to tell which breed's lay best for you in the summer when it's hot, or best during the winter as that is here now.
With as many breed's that you have over there, you should be able to tell which breed's lay best for you in the summer when it's hot, or best during the winter as that is here now.
That's a good point. Last year didn't really tell me much since they were all new layers and had not gone through an official molt yet. They all laid all the time! This year will be a bit more accurate.
That's a good point. Last year didn't really tell me much since they were all new layers and had not gone through an official molt yet. They all laid all the time! This year will be a bit more accurate.

I know what you mean about newer layer's. But now that you are this far along with them, it could be worth paying attention to since you are in it for the egg's.
Had a scary close call with my EE Amelia this morning. She managed to get over their fence into our backyard where my dog grabbed her. Aside from some slobber on her back and some ruffled feathers, she doesn't look like she was hurt at all by the dog. She has some small cuts on her legs, I think from the escape. Glad that I bought a bottle each of Vetrycin and BluKote when I got the chicks! Hopefully this will have satisfied Amelia's curiosity of escaping the chicken yard. They're 13 weeks
tomorrow. Are they old enough for me to clip wings if we need to?
Had a scary close call with my EE Amelia this morning. She managed to get over their fence into our backyard where my dog grabbed her. Aside from some slobber on her back and some ruffled feathers, she doesn't look like she was hurt at all by the dog. She has some small cuts on her legs, I think from the escape. Glad that I bought a bottle each of Vetrycin and BluKote when I got the chicks! Hopefully this will have satisfied Amelia's curiosity of escaping the chicken yard. They're 13 weeksView attachment 1612182 tomorrow. Are they old enough for me to clip wings if we need to?
Oh she’s beautiful. I love all the colors in her feathers:love
@Geranium WOW - I just don't like close calls! I have a few who think they know better than the fence and get out but usually it makes them anxious enough they don't do it again - well at least not for a long, long time. I used to have a leghorn girl who would get out and back in whenever she pleased. Not like a dog that I can get out the flyswatter when they are where they shouldn't be - unfortunately a hawk/owl she apparently didn't see got her. She was a character. She truly wanted to be a house chicken.
@SonoranChick The Red Star, a cousin to the Sex Link I think, and Leghorns will lay like crazy - through molt, heat, rain and whatever, 5-6 eggs a week. I've not ever had them slow down until they were about 3 years old or so. The RIR I've never had great luck with. I've had two, both poor layers and short lives. Others have had wonderful luck with their RIR - who knows the reasons. I just know to avoid them! I still have girls in the final stages of their molts. I'm not seeing big feathers - like wing or tail feathers, right now but I have had the little white casings on the droppings board where they were preening and they fell. SOOONNNN I hope - I'll have feathers cleared up.
@BlueBaby - it was nice here too but we didn't take advantage of it too much. I did a short clean up but not much. I was late rolling out of bed - 8am is late to me. Then slow getting my engine started - isn't a starter for me. Then DH and I scheduled the reupholstery of the dining chairs we refinished - I did finish that. Now to get the table back in the house that was refinished and put it all back together. WhooHoo - I'll be a happy camper.
Finished my Christmas cards for family except one and I need to get some scratchers to send off to them. I also wanted to make the guest room bed because it'll be the 21st before I know it and my almost 90 year old dad and his girlfriend (yes I said girlfriend who is about 85/86) will be here. The no stamina thing SUCKS big chunks.
Nice night out there - bundle up and look at the stars.
BTW a pentagram, when you think of all its points allows us to respect the earth. That's how I see think when I see one.
@Suzyqschickens thanks! My other EE is similar coloring but darker browns. I can't wait to see what color eggs they lay.

@FeatherPugs yikes. We do have a hawk that hangs around from time to time. I hadn't seen any of the chickens try to get over the fence for quite some time. One flew to the top of the hardware cloth that covers the first several feet of the fence, so I added poultry netting to the rest of the fence height, with a loop of poultry netting at the top of the five foot fence so they can't perch there. But clearly she managed somehow. She was hiding behind the dog house by the time I got out there, in a place the dogs couldn't get to her. I'm still not sure what the dog meant to do with her - she could easily have killed her, and didn't. She's a big dog. She's acted protective of the chickens previously, seeming to guard them from our other dog, who has snapped at them before. It's possible she was trying to "rescue" the escaped chicken. Either way, i'm glad Amelia seems to be ok.

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