Arizona Chickens

LOL! Its a furry blanket the dog decided to adopt on accident, ugh. Anything that falls on the floor is instant dog territory and they tend to smell like whatever they've been rolling in... So now its a chick picture taker blanket :p
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Hey everyone!
I just got a new incubator and would like to try it out before I get shipped eggs. Does anyone in the phx area want to sell me 12-24 fertile eggs? Ill take just about anything..
Hey everyone!
I just got a new incubator and would like to try it out before I get shipped eggs. Does anyone in the phx area want to sell me 12-24 fertile eggs? Ill take just about anything..
Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes!! I went and met beehappy4ever and picked up some wonderful little peeps! I'm totally in love! She had all kinds of info for me and I got to see a candled egg for the first time - it was awesome! They are all doing great, I ended up bringing home: 2 Golden Campines :) A blue Marans & a mix 1 Black Copper Marans These are my other chicks: Easter Eggers 3 French Cuckoo Marans
What a good time. Cute little stinkers.
Quote: Chickens produce more eggs when they are not stressed. Our summers are so hot that egg production goes down. Our winters are mild, and we are far enoug south that we really don;t get the short days that those farther north get. I get the most eggs fall through spring, and hte least in the summer.
Yup, You beat to to that response SS.
I am selling or trading ALL of my silkie pairs, trios & chicks. I have a white pair, a paint pair, a BBS trio, a partride pair, a black roo with paint frizzle hen & cuckoo hen. I also have a buff boy, black boy & a splash boy with a red comb & wattles. I am looking to trade them for Breeding trio or pairs of Layers. hatchery Rhode island whites, Buff orpingtons, or other med to dark large brown colored eggs. I don't want show quality birds they are mainly for eggs & meat (for extra boys). I want sustainability, so that means cutting back on some of the prettier breeds. I wouldn't mind other trades in sustainability items either some farm animals or milk or whatever. Just send me a private message as I am not on BYC & having problems posting things here.

Thank you so much.
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Chickens produce more eggs when they are not stressed.  Our summers are so hot that egg production goes down.  Our winters are mild, and we are far enoug south that we really don;t get the short days that those farther north get.  I get the most eggs fall through spring, and hte least in the summer.
do you think kent is taping them to much? Is that stressful for them? The rain?
Who knows about chicken stress.. At this point the only hen not going into the coop at night is Mrs Robinson, Blue Cochin. She was his favorite at first then he worked his way up the chain.
I put her in with all of them every night. I purchased her along with two others separately. Those three have always been separated from the flock. Until recently Lorraine has been accepted into the flock then Jenny. No one is picking to the point of blood or feather loss.
Like dear old mom & dad said, I'm going to give them something to stress about!
I'm not even sure that they are stressed? However, I would like to rule that out. I will add the light back again. Had to take it away because of the rain. I probably shouldn't force the egg laying. I just think it's time?
Six months right?

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