Arizona Chickens

Hi all. I'm new from Scottsdale. We just got 4 chicks that are about a week old. We did research and didn't find any laws about chickens in Scottsdale besides the ordinance listed on BYC stating we could have any number of hens and no roosters. Unfortunately the best spot for our coop and run are along the 6ft block wall that borders our neighbor. Hopefully we won't have any issues with those neighbors. We butt up against Thunderbird Rd so there's always a bit of road noise and if they can deal with that hopefully a few chicken clucks won't be too bad. 

We got a Black Sex Link, a RIR, a Welsummer and an EE. We probably shouldn't have named them yet but their names are Onyxia, Phillie, Tea and Eleanore. Currently they're in a brooder box in the garage and doing well. We're in the process of converting our resin shed into a coop. We're adding more windows with screens for the hot summer and adding all the other necessities. Now we're just praying all 4 chicks are definitely girls. They were all sexed at the hatchery according to the feed store which seemed knowledgeable and well established since the 60s but we had a friend order from "my pet chicken" and out of the 12 females he ordered one was a male. Since the Black Star is definitely a female we really only have to worry about the other 3, I guess. 

Well I just wanted to introduce myself. I'd love to be in contact with any other chicken owners in Scottsdale. Would be nice to know your experiences. Nice to meet you, to all the Arizonans. 

Good to have you on board..
We had some roasted marshmallow by the fire the last few months.. Saturday night is going to be
our last fire till cooler weather.. Hope you can join us..
Everyone is welcome to join us.. Private message us & we will give you directions..

Dually and duly noted.
AWWWW!!! They are so cute!! And momma is a beauty. Congrats!

Thank you. I am not sure what she is. Picked her up from Adens Hay Oasis back in Sept and she was suppose to be a Buff Orpington but she's a little girl like an Old English Bantam or Serama. Her legs are green tinted but she lays cream brown eggs. Who knows, we still love her. Her wings are clipped right now so she doesn't fly out of the brooder. You can watch them live at
WAY FUN! Chicken cam! Very cool! Now I have something else to waste time with at work, LOL.
She is very pretty, she seems like a good mum too.
WAY FUN! Chicken cam! Very cool! Now I have something else to waste time with at work, LOL.
She is very pretty, she seems like a good mum too.

Hopefully you missed it when I went out there to move things around and do some modifications to the fence. My dress blew up and my undies were exposed, no problem had the cam not been going. Then the bucket which the cam is attatched blew over and the camera was facing straight up my skirt. Oh gee. What woman does animal care in a dress anyway? Well this one. Now I can see why my greatgrandmother always wore dresses. Even when plowing up her huge garden.

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