Arizona Chickens

Well, clearly you will have to dress like a pig farmer with big muck boots, straw hat. How about a corn cob pipe. Make sure you have plenty of dirt under your nails and maybe some straw or hay in your hair.
Oooh, ooh, no! I have it, dress like Granny Clampet (sp?) Bring along your shot gun and some moonshine! That'll learn 'im! But then again, maybe that is just my twisted sense of humor talking.
:gig I'm just as twisted. The problem lays in the fact I know/met a couple pig farmers. A Marsades SUV pulling a trailer with hogs sound a sleep in the back. He had a tailored suit and leather full length coat and his wife had a lovely mink. They had been out on the town after showing their pigs at some kind og pig thing. The pigs were still spotless. They were tired after the big day, apparently collapse in the deep straw and snuggled next to each other to keep warm. The other pig farmer I actually know, he was collage educated, and when ever I ran into him he was well dresses.

There is money in them dare pigs. I would not hisitate to marry a man I love if he was a pig farmer. I would be over joyed to fall for a man with money.



I now have 5 peeps and a 6th trying to get out. I moved her to a private pen so she will not have to fight off the big girls the first week. I put a farm barn heater in it. It has plastic sheeting on all sides and top. Trying to keep drafts away. I hope I made the opening big enough fore her to get thru. She is so fluffed up she looks hug. I thought a night move would be best. A couple of the girls showed to much interest and was trying to pick at what was under her. She protected the peeps now, but when they start running around it will not be so easy.

One is a charcoal black and very tiny, I think must be a bantam. It is all I can do to keep from handling them. I do not want to stress Moma any more then she is.
Happy Holidays all!

I decided I needed some festive pictures today and coerced one of my chickens to wear a kitty outfit. :) I think she looks smashing!

I hope you are all having a fantastic holiday!

Peep's color is def red.

First I would like to say Merry Christmas to every one. There is a KFC here in town that has a sign out front that reads "We are not afraid to wish every one Merry Christmas." That's exactly how I feel. And my Christmas present to all is the following video, me feeding FF to my chickens.
Neither am I. Merry Christmas to everyone! :D
Happy Holidays all!

I decided I needed some festive pictures today and coerced one of my chickens to wear a kitty outfit. :) I think she looks smashing!

I hope you are all having a fantastic holiday!

Peep's color is def red.

This is so funny and cute!!! Gives me ideas for my feathered girls and for my pug girls - watch out next year!!! LOL Thanks for sharing this wonderful set of pics!
More pic of my Christmas Peeps:





Mama was not very cooperative, before I could snap a picture she was calling and stuffy her peeps under her. I can not figure out how to download Video, she is very dedicated to protecting them. Seeing it for myself you under stand the origins of the Mother hen expressions.

What a Christmas present. I have two 5 toed and 5 dark legs and 1yellow legged.

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