Arizona Chickens

Anybody else on here enjoy having hummingbirds around, besides me? If you have hummingbird feeders set up, have you ever had problems with bees taking over the feeders and leaving no room for the hummers to drink from? How do you solve this problem? I thought bees were supposed to be out pollinating flowers, not robbing my hummingbird feeder on a daily basis. The problem seems to have become worse lately, as I never had this issue on a regular basis prior to the last few months.

Must not be enough plants that they can go to? :idunno
Do you have any flowering shrubs/trees & or neighbors that have them? You would think
there is gardens/citrus trees & what not where you are.. Where ever you are? I would love
to start a colony.. My neighbor might let me do it in her back yard.. My D.H. Says no..
I remember TT!


Hi TT!
SO I just HAD to show my husband this picture because the wtfery was pretty high on my scope. He is a much more extensive nerd/geek than I am. He saw it and was like, oh Nyan Cat. And I'm like ... ? He then forced me to go to youtube and look it up. OF COURSE there's an annoying thing to go with it. LOL.... still a funny pic though.
I worked the Utah section. Mainly from Bluff to Mexican hat. I've also been on the upper stretch with archaeologists to map the ruins up there. and I've worked the lower canyon, through the goosnecks all the way to the Lake. It was quite a job. LOTS of ruins, and since archaeology is a hobby of mine, I had the time of my life. Hard work, but really great to be out there every day and night.

That's amazing that you got to experience the river on that level from top to bottom. Truly, one of the great rivers of the American West too.

Tell her hi for me! I miss her posts!

I will!
I'm going to be placing an order with Meyer Hatchery in February. If anyone is interested in a few chicks, let me know and I can add them onto my order to save on shipping. If anyone is interested, PM me with the number and breeds you're interested in. I am in Mesa, and I don't mind boarding the chicks for a few days.
Hi all--

Was referred to this thread since I am located in AZ. Here's my original post...maybe you all could help? husband came out the other morning to find a trail of turkey feathers across the yard. Between the feathers and drag marks left from the turkey's wing tips, we could follow the trail of that the predator took to leave our yard. He/she jumped our 5 foot no-climb fence (which we had never known anything else to do) with the turkey, crossed the road and went straight into the state land across the street. We found the turkey covered up under a tree (with lots of claw marks in the dirt but no paw prints). We are thinking it is a big ole tom bobcat :/ We are very sad because the turkey was our favorite :( I am sure the bobcat(?) will be back. What to do now? Even if we find a way to keep the poultry safe, I am worried our goats could be next (particularly my son's little Nigerian dwarf wether). We have all the years...had anything get in this yard. We have been leaving one of our dogs out 24/7 since the attack and haven't suffered anymore losses. However, I worry it may be quiet enough to slip in past the dog should it get hungry enough? We are in Arizona. Any advice? ETA: We have guns, leg traps, and a pretty big catch alive trap (although I am not sure how big the cat in question is) I feel bad killing it but I do not know if we have a choice? I want to keep my livestock/poultry safe...

ETA: Found prints at the site the turkey was. Whatever type of cat killed the turkey, nothing but feathers and a couple of tracks are left now. Two hens went missing without a evidence where they are now :( Put up a catch alive trap and a few foot traps in our fenced yard after my original post. Judging by these prints...not so sure it'll fit in the catch alive. No luck with anything so far :( Heard something going "woow...wooow" from approx. 4-6am (sounded right outside bedroom window)...recorded the noise but don't know how to share. Not so sure it's a bobcat anymore (based off these tracks) but I would have thought anything bigger than a bobcat would kill the goats...not chickens/turkey. Any input?

Hi all--

Was referred to this thread since I am located in AZ. Here's my original post...maybe you all could help? husband came out the other morning to find a trail of turkey feathers across the yard. Between the feathers and drag marks left from the turkey's wing tips, we could follow the trail of that the predator took to leave our yard. He/she jumped our 5 foot no-climb fence (which we had never known anything else to do) with the turkey, crossed the road and went straight into the state land across the street. We found the turkey covered up under a tree (with lots of claw marks in the dirt but no paw prints). We are thinking it is a big ole tom bobcat :/ We are very sad because the turkey was our favorite :( I am sure the bobcat(?) will be back. What to do now? Even if we find a way to keep the poultry safe, I am worried our goats could be next (particularly my son's little Nigerian dwarf wether). We have all the years...had anything get in this yard. We have been leaving one of our dogs out 24/7 since the attack and haven't suffered anymore losses. However, I worry it may be quiet enough to slip in past the dog should it get hungry enough? We are in Arizona. Any advice? ETA: We have guns, leg traps, and a pretty big catch alive trap (although I am not sure how big the cat in question is) I feel bad killing it but I do not know if we have a choice? I want to keep my livestock/poultry safe...

ETA: Found prints at the site the turkey was. Whatever type of cat killed the turkey, nothing but feathers and a couple of tracks are left now. Two hens went missing without a evidence where they are now :( Put up a catch alive trap and a few foot traps in our fenced yard after my original post. Judging by these prints...not so sure it'll fit in the catch alive. No luck with anything so far :( Heard something going "woow...wooow" from approx. 4-6am (sounded right outside bedroom window)...recorded the noise but don't know how to share. Not so sure it's a bobcat anymore (based off these tracks) but I would have thought anything bigger than a bobcat would kill the goats...not chickens/turkey. Any input?

I had a female recently; over a few weeks got about 15 of my ducks & chickens; never got real clear prints. When it got the last duck it appeared that it pulled it through the chainlink fence; ripped off head/neck, wings, legs but left the body in the pen. I wired up the carcass in my rabbit/squirrel size trap because that's all I had. Put some boards around that end of the trap. Came home on Christmas day to a real mad bobcat in the trap. (we were thinking fox or coon!) My friends that took care of it for me said it was the second biggest they ever got; biggest was 42 inches nose to tail, this one was a female and 40 inches, weighed close to 30 pounds they estimated.

Beautiful animals and I hated to have it killed; BUT I do NOT run a bobcat buffet! Any hopes of breaking even on the poultry this year went down that cat's gullet.

PS if that print is close to the size of your fist as the pic appears I wonder if you have a lion instead. Might have gone for the birds as easier prey? Birds are pretty comatose at night in the dark.
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I had a female recently; over a few weeks got about 15 of my ducks & chickens; never got real clear prints. When it got the last duck it appeared that it pulled it through the chainlink fence; ripped off head/neck, wings, legs but left the body in the pen. I wired up the carcass in my rabbit/squirrel size trap because that's all I had. Put some boards around that end of the trap. Came home on Christmas day to a real mad bobcat in the trap. (we were thinking fox or coon!) My friends that took care of it for me said it was the second biggest they ever got; biggest was 42 inches nose to tail, this one was a female and 40 inches, weighed close to 30 pounds they estimated.

Beautiful animals and I hated to have it killed; BUT I do NOT run a bobcat buffet! Any hopes of breaking even on the poultry this year went down that cat's gullet.

PS if that print is close to the size of your fist as the pic appears I wonder if you have a lion instead. Might have gone for the birds as easier prey? Birds are pretty comatose at night in the dark.

WOW! 15? That's awful :( 40" is really big...especially for a female! Glad you guys got it but it is a bitter sweet thing. I feel bad about putting traps out for this cat but I can't let my animals get killed. I was certain this was work of a bobcat until I found these prints. Tomorrow...if it isn't trapped...I'll go back to the prints (with my husband and a gun!) and get some pictures with a ruler next to them for size. Tonight I went out alone because I thought it was a bobcat! It was getting dark so I took pictures and dashed out of there (otherwise I would have gotten something better to show the size). I suppose the birds are way easy prey but if this cat is that big...I would think a dwarf goat wouldn't be hard to kill! Hope it doesn't get anything tonight :(
WOW! 15? That's awful :( 40" is really big...especially for a female! Glad you guys got it but it is a bitter sweet thing. I feel bad about putting traps out for this cat but I can't let my animals get killed. I was certain this was work of a bobcat until I found these prints. Tomorrow...if it isn't trapped...I'll go back to the prints (with my husband and a gun!) and get some pictures with a ruler next to them for size. Tonight I went out alone because I thought it was a bobcat! It was getting dark so I took pictures and dashed out of there (otherwise I would have gotten something better to show the size). I suppose the birds are way easy prey but if this cat is that big...I would think a dwarf goat wouldn't be hard to kill! Hope it doesn't get anything tonight :(
yes be careful if it is that big! I hope your animals are safe too. In one pen the wire was sagging a bit and it seems to have climbed up and over the chicken wire. In the duck pen it seems to have caught & eaten them through the chain link. So I have fixed sagging fences and am covering all chain link & weld wire with chicken wire. These pens all have open, mobile coops. My new chicken house has all openings covered with weld wire fencing and then chicken wire. When the outside runs are finished it will have pop doors into the runs which will be closed at night. Hopefully this will prevent any recurrence of this disaster. I understand bobcats can jump 12 feet so hopping a 6' fence would be nothing

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