Arizona Chickens

Hello everyone!

I have been a long time lurker and wanted to say hi. A little history, I grew up raising chickens in Washington state and moved to Arizona about 8 years ago. I grew up mostly taking care of road island reds, ameraucanas and a few other hybrids. Since living in Arizona, I have always wanted to get chickens again and recently moved out to Litchfield Park and built my first coop.

I am about to get 10 pullets later this month so expect to see some pictures on here! My wife has never had chickens so this will be an exciting experience for her. It sure is nice to have an Arizona specific thread so I know what to be aware of in terms of predators and other challenges! I look forward to getting to know everyone here.

Are you in a town or out in the country? I hope you have full support and help from your wife. She may end up wanting more chickens and you will end up doing more coop building. Have fun.
Okay random question I just don't want to keep live crickets around... that's why I have chickens, but I like giving them as treats. I know I can buy dried meal worms, or I can spend a crapload and buy a cricket meal worm mix at petclub for treats. Does anyone know of anyone selling dried bugs (not just meal worms) as chicken treats? It may be squeemish if me but I just don't want live bugs around my house... but have 0 problem giving dead ones as treats. I found a meal worm supplier on ebay that isn't bad, but I don't' see that they sell crickets :(
Welcome & thanks for sharing. We love pix so can't wait to see your chicks! What are you getting?

Some wyondottes, americaunas, buff orphintons and hamburgs. I wanted a variety for sure! Main purpose for fresh eggs.
You have come to the right place, there are a lot of very good people here.

As for predictors, you have a verity of hawks (Harris Hawk like to work in teams), eagles (usually passing thru seen 1 golden and 3 immature or golden eagles in 27 years), horned owls, coyotes, cats (domestic, bob cats and cougars), skunk, a very few raccoons & possums (imports and very rare as yet), and of course dogs. We have scorpions that are on the chickens menu but once in a blue moon one dose get stung. Chicken in on everyone's menu. Ferrets are not an issue, a few are out there that have escaped, I have seen them, but as of yet do not know of any attacks on chickens. Anyone wish to add to list? I am pretty num to things going on around me, but I tend to see animals.

Summer heat is the biggest problem. I gave my girls corn as a treat, bad idea here. They got fat, very fat. They do not need corn to keep body temp up as in cold country. If you were West Washington you had mild winters. If high up or east of the mountains cold winters and higher calorie winter feed. I was very stupid by giving them corn.

Also many of use purchases organic feed (non-soy) from Big Sky. It is delivered every 2 months. We usually will help each other out by taking turns picking up for our neighbors that live close to us sense we are all over the state. [email protected] is the coordinator of the feed.

One last thing as you are about to inter into chickens you must be made aware of the dangers:
If you still want chickens good luck and happy to hear from you.

I see hawks quite a bit so I am going to be getting some netting above my open area. I was from western Washington, so mild winters. Chickens did fine. Definitely have read plenty of threads on heat and will continue reading for education. I'll look into the organic non-soy feed and see if it is for me. I'm sure I'll continue to check in on this thread as well.

Welcome from another former Washingtonian!

Hello there!!

Are you in a town or out in the country? I hope you have full support and help from your wife. She may end up wanting more chickens and you will end up doing more coop building. Have fun.

I am somewhat in the country. I just moved out of Avondale a little farther west. No HOA now so I can enjoy having some chickens without them breathing down my neck.

My wife is a little nervous about getting chickens. She is always hesitant when it comes to something she knows very little about. I grew up around them so I feel right at home. She loves animals though and as she has seen me build the coop and get all the supplies, she is getting more and more excited. I cannot wait to show her the first egg!
I know a company called Flucker's sells freeze dried crickets. They also sell canned crickets. I haven't tried the freeze dried ones but did use the canned ones for sugar gliders. They are very moist and look absolutely disgusting but the sugar gliders seemed to like them. I think both of these are marketed for reptiles, but can't think of a reason not to give them to chickens. Amazon sells both of these products btw/
Welcome & thanks for sharing. We love pix so can't wait to see your chicks! What are you getting?

Americaunas, wyondottes, hamburgs and buff orphingtons.
Welcome from another former Washingtonian!

Hello there!

Are you in a town or out in the country? I hope you have full support and help from your wife. She may end up wanting more chickens and you will end up doing more coop building. Have fun.

She loves animals but is still a little nervous. As we get closer, she is getting more excited!

My coop, just about done. I just have a few things left to finish. More pictures later.

Your coop is adorable! Yay for more Wyandottes - Iove mine and am going to get more in March. I was pretty nervous taking the plunge with chickens but am so happy I did.
Rockn did you ever recover from The Blob fermented feed incident? How is that going for you? I am a big proponent of ff and post frequently on those pages. I hope you are having success with it!

Yes, thank goodness. The nightmares are starting to dissipate as well. For a while there I thought it was PTSD. :lol: Yeah, the FF is going well. My chickies love it now. At first, they weren't too sure, but now when I go out to feed them, they go crazy. The other morning I asked my son to let them out of the coop and make sure they had water, etc. I was leaving for work and looked across the pasture, every one of them was following him! It was like the Pied Piper of Hamlin! He said, "Mom, they're following me!" I told him they were hungry and to get them food. Guess it worked out okay, because he diidn't call me at work.
[COLOR=37404E]OMG I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! My MOMMA DUCK IS GONE!!!! WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! [/COLOR][COLOR=37404E] :'( My drake just keeps calling for her. OMG he is going to be misserable. WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!  :'( **** COYOTES!!!!!![/COLOR][COLOR=37404E]
[/COLOR][COLOR=37404E]It just keeps coming here. I have lost my little Orpy Annie BO hen, just started laying. My Americana, and now my momma duck. All since new years.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=37404E] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=37404E]Going to get cement and get that **** enclosure up NOW!!!! If they would just give me the chance to get it done. I'M LOSING ALL OF MY EGG LAYERS!![/COLOR]

[COLOR=37404E]I also lost my old horse Pooh but she was just very very old, New Years day.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=37404E]I also lost 2 family members the day before Thanksgiving and Dec 19th. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=37404E]My heart is so heavy right now. I was hoping for a better beginning to the year but the heart ache just keeps coming. :'([/COLOR]

[COLOR=37404E]Now I need to find a female Buff Orpington Duck or my drake will go mad. They were so happy. I was looking forward to ducklings this spring. WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! :'([/COLOR]

That is just horrible! OMG. I am so sorry for you. :hit

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