Arizona Chickens

Just want to say thank you for your support and I am sorry to anyone losing their pets/chickens. It's amazing how these gentle spirits wiggle their way into our hearts. As far as the predators, perhaps they will wiggle their way into our cross hairs.
Aw, LM, sorry about Big Red.

Beautiful peafowl!

I think my chickens are molting? Feathers everywhere and no eggs.

eta: well, molting makes perfect sense. According to this site, a molt happens around 9-months. Of which my birds are. Just in case, I'll check for mites. I have been adding a scoop of chick food to their diet, as I had a bucket of FF broiler food that I needed to use up--turns out the extra protein is recommended anyway for molting birds!
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Do flocks generally moult all at once?

My older 8 chickens are all mixed ages. I had a hen in full moult last fall, and now my roo is looking a little rough and not quite so handsome.
OMG I just lost my BIG RED. Coyote dug under fence. Red feathers everywhere. I AM SO SICK OF THESE **** COYOTES. I am down to 3 egg layers now, down from 7. The only thing I'm feeding out here is the coyotes. Well I have to fill in the hole that they came in from. **** **** ****

We have a great pyrenees dog and he is so good with the birds, our Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and my Mini Horses too. Keep the coyotes away to. Might be worth looking into.
Hey Meg, it's so great to see you back!

I'm not on Facebook, but I'll get my wife to look up the info and I'll send some emails out.

Thanks for letting us know about this. Homegrown eggs are so much better for you and its nice for everyone to be able to raise their own. I posted it on facebook.
Quote: My mom threatened to host an intervention if I purchased a goat over christmas. LOL Chickens are strange enough for her in the city. I got a good laugh from this one.

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