Arizona Chickens

I know exactly what you mean. There is a lot of animal abuse and neglect around here. Just a few weeks we had some renters who lived in the house behind us and they just left their rabbit and rooster there. No food or water, they just up and moved away and dumped them. The rabbit was living under a trailer before we could finally catch it, plus it was albino so it would have never survived out here. We wound up taking in both the rabbit and the rooster. The bad things is that the rooster is a game bird (not purebred but bred for fighting, but he is suprisingly nice to people) but we let him out into the pen thinking he would be okay and he started fighting. So now he's in isolation. It's sad though, I have a feeling people around here engage in cockfighting.
thats what my mom said when i told her about the living conditions.. first thing she said chicken fighting.. :(
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oh, buff brahmas. they take a long time to mature. its hatchery so it might not get as big as you want either.
my guy is a silver laced brahma from breeders in ohio he's huge and beautiful and has a super deep wonderful crow. it took more than 8 months for him to develop his manliness, and at least a year to get his full grown awesome self. i personally love a brahma and wish there were more out in this area.
as a young'un

as a teen, i think 6 month in this pic

and now (sept actually)

he never laced up just right, and he has hock feathers, but i love him anyway.
I saw that ad today, wonder how many chicks she will loose to the cold.
My mom thought the same thing when i just told her (just now on the phone) i feel so bad.. thats why i said at least i took 3 home with me to give them better lives.. and perhaps longer ones aswell....

by supporting her and giving her money she isnt going to buy better conditions. she's going to buy more chicks to sell and make more money to buy more chicks. cycle of terror.

Im just happy to have gotten the 3 i did out of there... all i can say is those poor babies.. my mom said maybe its a sign for me to tell you all to save all those babies..

Mine are all cozy in the middle bedroom and my coop is insulated and has electricity if I need to put heat in for temperatures in the teens up here, which happens.
Yea its been cold lately especially early in the morning..
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My mom thought the same thing when i just told her (just now on the phone) i feel so bad.. thats why i said at least i took 3 home with me to give them better lives.. and perhaps longer ones aswell....


Im just happy to have gotten the 3 i did out of there... all i can say is those poor babies.. my mom said maybe its a sign for me to tell you all to save all those babies..
That's what I'm planning, I'm buying others in hatcheries. I'm hoping to have less than 15 chickens
That's what I'm planning, I'm buying others in hatcheries. I'm hoping to have less than 15 chickens
I can only have 8 and i already had 5 little ones at home that are 6 days younger than the 3 i just got... so now im at my MAX but thats okay :) at least they will grow up together :) they seem to be getting along great.. we are however gonna have to make a bigger brooder. (i think im gonna have to park outside the garage) and move them in... not sure.. but what we do know is we are going to have to get some wire or something tomorrow to cover the top... i have a baby gate for now.. just gotta dig it out tomorrow
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i thought those were lincoln logs in those pictures. too stinkin cute. i am glad your three are wanted and will be well cared for.

my chicks are 4 weeks old and have been outside since 8 days old, in mesa, with a heat lamp. they are in an open air brooder and can move as close to or as far away from their lamp as they want. sometimes things that we see and would never do, other people have been doing fine for years. but did you say day old chicks in a wire pen? that even for me is too much.
i thought those were lincoln logs in those pictures. too stinkin cute. i am glad your three are wanted and will be well cared for.

my chicks are 4 weeks old and have been outside since 8 days old, in mesa, with a heat lamp. they are in an open air brooder and can move as close to or as far away from their lamp as they want. sometimes things that we see and would never do, other people have been doing fine for years. but did you say day old chicks in a wire pen? that even for me is too much.
hehehhe yeah lincoln logs the kids helped me glue them together to make them a little play center lol .... they said the chicks could have them :) how sweet of them :) heheh.... yeah but you live in mesa not up here! its much warmer down there than here!!! yea its board on one side and wire on the other,, like i cant imagine with all the winds and it raining up here on and off how cold they must be.. its really cold here in the morning especially... the adults are in very weird wire... like i cant explain it.. but i GUARANTEE you wouldnt think the way these birds are living is OK..but theres nothing more i can do.. i saved the 3 i could and i spread the word.. thats all i can really do on my part.

I can only have 8 and i already had 5 little ones at home that are 6 days younger than the 3 i just got... so now im at my MAX but thats okay :) at least they will grow up together :) they seem to be getting along great.. we are however gonna have to make a bigger brooder. (i think im gonna have to park outside the garage) and move them in... not sure.. but what we do know is we are going to have to get some wire or something tomorrow to cover the top... i have a baby gate for now.. just gotta dig it out tomorrow

I cant imagine it. I guess I'm going to see it. And yes it feels like spring here and Im guessing south AZ is pretty warm.
( 6 chicks here I come)
Good luck on your chick batch too.
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i wish i lived up north. whats the job market like up there? any need for animal cops? lol

i really missed my calling! my grandma worked with her local humane society until her health wouldnt allow it. and my dad worked for animal care and control while i was young. i feel strongly about animal living conditions. its in my blood. i still cant stop thinking about this really.
i wish i lived up north. whats the job market like up there? any need for animal cops? lol

i really missed my calling! my grandma worked with her local humane society until her health wouldnt allow it. and my dad worked for animal care and control while i was young. i feel strongly about animal living conditions. its in my blood. i still cant stop thinking about this really.
Ive been thinking about it since i left her house.. drives me nutzo! job market... not sure.. my husband got a job within a week ima stay at home mom.. so i personally cant say..

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