Arizona Chickens

Be patient, they are still young. Many pullets don't lay until they are 6 months or older. Are they showing physical signs of nearing point of lay (comb and wattles getting darker red, the bones above the vent spreading apart) or behavioral changes (spending time in the nest box, more vocal, submissive squat when you put your hand on their back)? I had an EE who had never laid an egg when we re-homed her at 15 months of age, and we have a 7-month-old RSL who has only laid 3 whole eggs and countless fairy eggs. Just like human females, they'll mature at their own pace!
1 RSL's comb is getting darker red, but that is it. Just seemed weird that I'm a beginner and bought 3 chicks and none have laid yet and we have friends that bought chicks at the same time and they are laying like crazy. I'm just guessing at what they are. I got them from a feed store in AJ and was told that I was getting 1 Americana and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Well, the "buffs" are red and 1 has more black on her feathers than the other. So I went back and the girl asked if it was a male that helped me, I said yes and she said they aren't trained. she said that I probably had 2 RSL instead. The Amercana's tail is higher, so I was told it was more likely an Easter Egger. sigh.......... I was told that they would be great layers and would lay early......
I hear ya, only one of our E.E. has layed, & honestly she only lays 3 a week. I do think it is the time of year. Only certain breeds will lay durring the winter. Our B.O. Layed non stop.. So it seems.. She is past her time for laying and has stopped..
I was telling my DH. We might have to wait till spring for farm fresh eggs, we are down to 7 eggs.. The girls need a break.. We are raising a hole new batch that won't lay till spring anyway.. So we might need to buy some from someone on here in about 1 month..
I'm thinking about getting a few more chicks and raise them up this winter. We plan on building a bigger coop and run this winter anyway. to many coyotes to let them range.
so I was planning on showing and then someone brought up that you should not take your breeding stock but wait for their offspring to make sure the breeding stock is not exposed to anything. what do you all think about that? make sense in a way.
so I was planning on showing and then someone brought up that you should not take your breeding stock but wait for their offspring to make sure the breeding stock is not exposed to anything. what do you all think about that? make sense in a way.

I have heard that concern from people, afraid their birds will pick up something at a show, as a reason for not showing. Yes it is possible they might pick up something but it is more likely to be bugs than anything else. I give mine a spritz of Frontline spray or Adams Flea and Tick when they come home just to be safe. Any bird showing signs of illness or bugs will be excused.

From what I have read, the serious breeders who show do not keep many birds that are NOT breeders or potential breeders. So if everybody followed that advice, the show rooms would be empty. Personally, I will take the risk because I believe it to be small. Some people isolate their birds after bringing back from a show for a couple of weeks. Other people just put them back in their pens.
I have heard that concern from people, afraid their birds will pick up something at a show, as a reason for not showing. Yes it is possible they might pick up something but it is more likely to be bugs than anything else. I give mine a spritz of Frontline spray or Adams Flea and Tick when they come home just to be safe. Any bird showing signs of illness or bugs will be excused.

From what I have read, the serious breeders who show do not keep many birds that are NOT breeders or potential breeders. So if everybody followed that advice, the show rooms would be empty. Personally, I will take the risk because I believe it to be small. Some people isolate their birds after bringing back from a show for a couple of weeks. Other people just put them back in their pens.
Thank you this makes me feel better as I do not know how I can keep show birds and Breeders. That would be a LOT of extra mouths to feed as I am keeping two different roosters to put over hens as it is. Thank you for the help. :)
Thank you this makes me feel better as I do not know how I can keep show birds and Breeders. That would be a LOT of extra mouths to feed as I am keeping two different roosters to put over hens as it is. Thank you for the help. :)

ONLY 2? That's nothing
I have 6 older males and 19 still from this year's breeding. Not all of the 19 will stay, I'm still making decisions. But having lost males unexpectedly, I keep extras as insurance. But I also just ordered another 100 bags of feed
Hey All,

I went to the Pet Club on Val Vista and Williams Field Rd to get dog food....ONLY DOG FOOD! I knew they would have baby chicks so I avoided them as much as possible. I got the dog food and the employee's must have seen me glance at the chicks and they asked me if I wanted any. I asked them, "How much?"...."$2.99". Then the guy says, "Actually, we have two in there that are about three weeks old we'll just give you." DANG IT!

I have two new RIR three week old chicks.
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IM IN BISBEE AZ , AND I WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING LIKE YOU LOOKING FOR ANY PLACE TO GET CHCIKS, HERE IN AZ...? well thank goodness i found the CAL store one night WILE OUT SHOPPING thats were we got most of our chciks from , and i believe they have tried to keep CHCIKES in their store year round...? so check out the phone book for a CAL STORE...! & good luck...!!! TAKE CARE Dianna
Hey All,

I went to the Pet Club on Val Vista and Williams Field Rd to get dog food....ONLY DOG FOOD! I knew they would have baby chicks so I avoided them as much as possible. I got the dog food and the employee's must have seen me glance at the chicks and they asked me if I wanted any. I asked them, "How much?"...."$2.99". Then the guy says, "Actually, we have two in there that are about three weeks old we'll just give you." DANG IT!

I have two new RIR three week old chicks.

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