Arizona Chickens

Oh I found my pullet!!!!
something definately scared them all and apparently she went up into the orange tree while everyone else ran to the coop. I looked all over and couldn't find her but once I took out the mealworms she came out. Yippee! Still wonder what spooked them
My roosters have a specific alarm call for aerial predator that sounds like a cross between a growl and a gargle. "Aerial predator" usually turns out to be the resident Cooper's hawk, but it could also be a fast-flying dove, or an airplane overhead. Anything unusual in the air that looks threatening. Glad you found your pullet. Sounds like she's a keeper

I did order one red sexlink from ideal and it looks identical to the "breed standard". This one has black in her tail and wings and looks different than my rsl but if there is no true standard to the breed they may have sent me two rsls. Is "production red" a different bird than a rsl?

There is no "breed standard" for a red sexlink. It's not an actual breed. It's a cross between birds with different, sex-linked color patterns that produce chicks whose sex can be identified by down color. Hatcheries love to produce these sex-link chicks because there is so much demand for female birds and these sex-linked color crosses allow the hatcheries to readily identify which chicks are female and which are male.

A "production red" is a label indicating a generally red-colored bird developed for its egg-laying ability and not conforming to any particular breed standard. The high emphasis on egg production sometimes compromises other qualities like longevity. A lot of people mistake "production reds" for Rhode Island Reds. A true Rhode Island Red is an awesome-looking bird of a completely different shape than any "production" chicken from a hatchery.

If you want to get a feel for what real Rhode Island Reds should look like, check out the Heritage Rhode Island Red thread:
It's best to start at the beginning of the thread. You will learn a lot about what makes a good quality bird.
Oh I found my pullet!!!!
something definately scared them all and apparently she went up into the orange tree while everyone else ran to the coop. I looked all over and couldn't find her but once I took out the mealworms she came out. Yippee! Still wonder what spooked them
So glad she was safe! When a rooster makes that growling noise doesn't that mean there's an aerial predator?
Went to the OK feed to pick up some hay and well

I really need to stop going to places that have baby chicks...
(Sorry for the bad pic, I just snapped a quick one when I was putting them in the brooder)
I got 4 Copper Marans and two guinea fowl (if anybody could help me on the colors of the them that would be nice)
Ah, chicken math applies to guineas as well it seems.
No-go on the no-crow collar for me. My cockerel wasn't having it! He threw himself around so bad that I thought he was going to kill himself. I tried several times tightening it differently each time.
My immediate neighbors don't mind him (they have triple paned windows) but he wakes me up way too early every morning so he's been sleeping in a cage in the shed. It gets really messy! I'm trying to decide if it's worth the hassle to try to keep him.
He's a beautiflul Black Australorp. His black feathers shine in the sun with purple and green and when the hens sense trouble and hide, he steps to the front to confront the perceived challenge. He has challenged me a couple of times, but backed down with just a little stomp in his direction. He'll eat out of my hand but keeps a respectable distance otherwise.
The shed won't work in the summer, though, so I'll have to figure something out before then.

Have you tried holding him for a 30-45 minutes after you put on the collar? That will let him get habituated to the sensation before you put him down.
Have you tried holding him for a 30-45 minutes after you put on the collar?  That will let him get habituated to the sensation before you put him down. 

That's exactly what I did with my little screaming roo. Had him in my lap & petted him, scratched his head & talked softly to him, then he was ok with the collar & rn back to his girls. He did back up a few times trying to get out of it but then gave up after a minute.
Hi everyone. I have decided to re home the birds I am not going to focus on. I have 9 Polish crested I am selling. I have 3 Black white crested pullets, 1 silver laced hen (one year old), 1 pair of Buff, 1 extra Buff cockerel and a splash cockerel. Let me know if you are interested and I can send pics. I am in Tucson. I am focusing on Pure Bred Ameraucana. Black, Blue, Buff, Blue Wheaten and soon White and Silver. I will also have Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers and of Course my beautiful Naked Necks. I also have Naked Neck chicks if anyone is interested in adding to their flock. Mine are NN EE so we get colorful eggs from them.

I am so sorry for the losses. Very excited the hen was found. We have been so busy re arranging coops and building new ones. Hatching out babies. I love them, so much fun. I miss talking to you all every day. I will try and get on more.

Welcome to all the newbies. I have directed a few to this thread because we have such a helpful awesome group. I just love it.

I cannot show on the 22nd as I had planned. I just figured out its the same date as a craft show we are having at the kids school. I am the booster club president so I have to be there but I plan on coming out on Sunday so I can meet some of the BYC and Tucson cluck Peeps. I hear there is a show after Christmas in Phx area. I might look into that one.
I cannot show on the 22nd as I had planned. I just figured out its the same date as a craft show we are having at the kids school. I am the booster club president so I have to be there but I plan on coming out on Sunday so I can meet some of the BYC and Tucson cluck Peeps. I hear there is a show after Christmas in Phx area. I might look into that one.
If it's not too far out for you could coop in on Fri night; coop out isn't until sun anyway; you just might not get to watch the judging. But you don't have to be present; you probably know someone personally that is there and you could ask to watch out for your birds.
Hi everyone. I have decided to re home the birds I am not going to focus on. I have 9 Polish crested I am selling. I have 3 Black white crested pullets, 1 silver laced hen (one year old), 1 pair of Buff, 1 extra Buff cockerel and a splash cockerel. Let me know if you are interested and I can send pics. I am in Tucson. I am focusing on Pure Bred Ameraucana. Black, Blue, Buff, Blue Wheaten and soon White and Silver. I will also have Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers and of Course my beautiful Naked Necks. I also have Naked Neck chicks if anyone is interested in adding to their flock. Mine are NN EE so we get colorful eggs from them.

I am so sorry for the losses. Very excited the hen was found. We have been so busy re arranging coops and building new ones. Hatching out babies. I love them, so much fun. I miss talking to you all every day. I will try and get on more.

Welcome to all the newbies. I have directed a few to this thread because we have such a helpful awesome group. I just love it.

I cannot show on the 22nd as I had planned. I just figured out its the same date as a craft show we are having at the kids school. I am the booster club president so I have to be there but I plan on coming out on Sunday so I can meet some of the BYC and Tucson cluck Peeps. I hear there is a show after Christmas in Phx area. I might look into that one.

argh, I want polish but I think the hubbs would shoot me if I asked to drive to Tuscon to get chickens! hahahahha

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