Arizona Chickens

I lost one a few days ago.  It's fairly cool in the run with damp earth and water to wade in but I found one of my favorite hens, a little Welsummer, dead in a nest box.  She always took a while to lay her eggs and in a nest box there isn't much air circulation and it's dry, so much hotter in there. 

I'm worried about my blue splash EE, she is very fluffy and has a tiny pea comb.  She pants more than the others and is always entrenched in the dampest earth in the deepest shade.  Poor girl should be living somewhere else.:(

I'm thinking of getting some partridge pendesencas, they are supposed to be super heat hardy and lay large dark brown eggs. Anyone here have any?

No but they do look a lot like the welsumers..
Condolences from us..:hit
:hugs sorry for your loss.
It was some table from pier one. It does remind me of a bread box too!
I like those dishes and that it almost looks like an old breadbox.
Im sad to say i lost 2 ladies today. One from sickness and the other from the heat. I had to go to algodones with my daughter and wasn't able to cool off the coop in the middle of the day.
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Check out the babies, getting so big, FAST!!
I lost one a few days ago.  It's fairly cool in the run with damp earth and water to wade in but I found one of my favorite hens, a little Welsummer, dead in a nest box.  She always took a while to lay her eggs and in a nest box there isn't much air circulation and it's dry, so much hotter in there. 

I'm worried about my blue splash EE, she is very fluffy and has a tiny pea comb.  She pants more than the others and is always entrenched in the dampest earth in the deepest shade.  Poor girl should be living somewhere else.:(

I'm thinking of getting some partridge pendesencas, they are supposed to be super heat hardy and lay large dark brown eggs. Anyone here have any?

Sorry for your loss. I'm ready for this heat to move on. I've been putting ice out several times a day and some like to lay right up against the frozen water jugs.
I heard the pendesencas are very good with warm weather, my NN girls are probably handling it better than the Marans so I have to say the NNs are very heat hardy. My NN girls are still laying every day too.
Everyone seems to be doing okay. I've been spraying down the coop with a sprinkler. It evaporates before it hits the ground for a few minutes. Sure does help cool them off a lot.
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Sorry for your loss. I'm ready for this heat to move on. I've been putting ice out several times a day and some like to lay right up against the frozen water jugs.
I heard the pendesencas are very good with warm weather, my NN girls are probably handling it better than the Marans so I have to say the NNs are very heat hardy. My NN girls are still laying every day too.

My NNs are much more tolerant of the heat too, though I still installed shade cloth and misters around their run, and also gave them straw bales to scratch at. (The straw over the misted, moist ground keeps the earth cool, which they take full advantage of.)

My Bielefelders have been struggling the most with the heat. I even bought a mobile swamp cooler to keep in my chicken cabin, facing their pen, so they can come in to stand in front of the cool air as needed.
So far so good dealing with the heat. I have a question for duck owners tho. I have 2 pair of ducks, and both males seem to prefer the little brown female. Plus the brown male goes after any chicken who crosses his path. Anyway, I noticed the brown female has some scratches near her eye causing the eye to get foamy. I put Vaseline hoping that could help, I can't use blukote so near to the eye. Any ideas? Is there something I can get for her at a feedstore that may help?
I am new to chickens, but not animals. When I was raising show dogs and horses I had a list of things I needed to keep around the house...just in case they got sick ( obviously if it was out of my hands a vet was in order).

What are some of the things you would keep on hands for minor emergencies and basic irritations? I am not feeling prepared to handle these things and need to make a chicken " medical" bag. Help a newbe please.

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