Arizona Chickens

This week has been a very rough one....

On Wednesday afternoon, my parent had to go get our poor puppers, Bailey, put down. After 13 years of surviving everything in the desert and being the most amazing dog, a simple cancer got her in the end.

Its hard to accept that shes gone... and mom and dad appearently aren't taking it well either. They already removed all of her stuff from the house. her kennel, dog bowls, beds, leashes, brushes, sweaters. I managed to save her collar from the purge though.


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@Banaynaychicken I'm so sorry honey :hugs Our animals are such a blessing in our lives, yet a curse because they're only here a short time. I hope you can remember the funny things Bailey did, how she made you smile and laugh, or shake your head in amazement. I hope you and your folks feel better soon.
o golly im sorry for your loss , i know just how you feel, i lost my tiny little Bitzee at age 15 a wile back from a mystery illness the vets could not diagnose , and she died in my arms early one morning i had stayed up with her all night long, as i could feel she was sliding away leaving for summer land across the rainbow bridge,just like im sure your sweet Bailey has Dear, so be happy your Bailey is free of illness & happy , o and i do believe they come back to visit us once in a wile, ;) :)
Peoria allows chickens? That just sucks how Glendale has to be.

I do take the 3 of them out every evening for an hour or two. Give them treats etc. we have to share the yard with the dogs.
I want to get a fold up type run and put them out during the day when the weather cools. I'll see how it goes then maybe invest in a coop.
I just love my silkies and don't want any problems from neighbors or city till we can get moved.
Cavemanrich, I am a worry wart and been reading like crazy all afternoon about these sex-links and other breeds, and have been thinking that having a few prolific egg layers wouldn't hurt for a few years, being a single person. Let them do their thing then put them in my pressure cooker (new, never used). Even if they don't have that much meat on their bones, I can't even eat an entire 16-oz cornish hen on my own, so the extra meat can go into soups, dumplings, pot pies, casseroles. I've also got the KitchenAid stand mixer with a gazillion attachments to make my own dough and pasta.

I was trying to avoid the fact that eventually, these chickens will be EATEN, and had a change of heart today. Have your cake (eggs) and eat it too. --BB
Pressure cooker really cuts down the cooking time, and you can use it to can if it is a larger one. I use 2 different sizes, depending on what's for dinner. In mile high Prescott, it is great. I have an old original recipe book that came with one, dated 1974, and in it a young tender fryer chicken is 1 1/2 lbs, larger old bird is ~4 pounds. Young bird, 15 min, old one is 20. Bread your cut up chicken and put oil , just 2 tablespoons, a cup of water, and pressure fry your chicken. 15-20 min. Then turn off the heat and let it cool while you mash the potatoes -- that's chicken!

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