Arizona Chickens

Yes, those are Green/Tomato Hornworms. They will devour your tomato plants and many other crops as well. There was a HUGE hatching of them this year thanks to all of the extra rain and wild Amaranth that grew as a result, another of their favorite food sources. My chickens love them, but you have to be careful not to feed the chickens too many of them as they can be toxic in large quantities or if they've eaten Sacred Datura.
The hornworms are different than the ones crossing roads and such as that. Interesting.....I dumped one in my chicken yard and the hens all turned their noses up at it! I'd love to get them some of the other yellow stripped sphinx ones tho' - hear they realty like those. I've taken more than a dozen hornworms off my pepper and tomato plants so far. I'm sure I'll find more!!
Was this the snake?
I have lost yet another hen to the heat... thsi time my Sultan hen Little...

I think im done with chickens for the moment.

ill keep the 4 I have until I move out, and then im done until I can move somewhere that doesn't kill every pet I love and care for.

This whole loosing all of my pets thing isn't working for me....

loosing 4 birds in one summer, giving away all of my school birds at graduation, down sizing my flock, putting my dog down... Next thing I know ill have no pets at all.

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