Arizona Chickens

@igorsMistress I used it a couple times last summer I thought it helped when I did, this summer I will try it more often
@BlueBaby How exciting on the egg maybe we can see a pic of one if you're up to it sometime :pop

@FeatherPugs My bubus love wet feed too, especially the little ones today I poured melted ice water to make it wet and they loved that

I might integrate tomorrow morning..:fl
Hi all. How's it going?

Our girls aren't liking their fermented feed right now so they're on a soy and corn free layer crumble instead. I also picked up 25 lbs of pigeon light feed at the store today to use as scratch. They don't like the mister so we are running the hose for them instead. :rolleyes:
The broody girl must have been fighting to stay in the nest because there was a mess of broken eggs. She's pretty darn grumpy too...stays away from everyone.

I decided I'm going to offer electrolytes every few days this summer to see if they'll help with heat stress. Another member here tried it for their flock and said it seemed to help. Anyone else tried this option?
I keep the feeder and water full (partially with ice), but I sometimes make a wet mash mixed with their own hard boiled eggs, pasta, frozen peas and string beans, collards and kale, so they have quite the buffet on occasion.

I'm thinking about making some sort of water feature where they can stand in a gravel water bed while the water recirculates to keep their feets (LOL) and legs cool, throwing in some ice cubes on occasion. Those big box home improvement stores have set ups where you can create your own. All it takes is a little bit of ingenuity and imagination.

Oh Lawd, one more project on the list.
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@igorsMistress I usually use the electrolytes a couple times a week - I make it weak probably and they slurp it up! Especially when the weather is hot and they are using all their resources to keep cool.
@BlueBaby - yes I do remember you hatching all summer but you were using an incubator and this is a feathered, two legged incubator. Another chick this AM - only one egg left. I have no idea what these chicks are! They are black with yellow/whitish wing tips, chest area and bottoms!
@Bobby Basham - don't get your "water feature" too deep - they don't like deep. Some will use a baby pool - littler is better - mine use their water dishes! They don't have gravel in them as its easier for me to clean all the mud out without the gravel. Mine love their mud puddle and water pans for keeping cool.
Its hard enough to loose your fur babies BUT when you have feather babies who are sweet and snuggly its doubly hard. I really am sorry @DesertChic.:hit
On another topic the littles are really growing - especially the big dark feathered girl. She has this cresty thing going on her head - looks like she's a rocker - I've named her Punky. I am having so much fun with them. :love

That's awesome!

The boys from that hatch have been fun too, especially that "chick #7" I'd hoped was a girl. As soon as I walk into their pen he somehow manages to climb the full height of my body while I'm still standing to roost on my shoulder. It's crazy. I walked around the whole chicken yard yesterday for about 20 minutes with him happily perched on my shoulder. And he chatters at me as if we're having an actual conversation. I've had plenty of birds that became attached to me, but he's taken it to a whole new level.
Mud puddles are the BEST all my 27 chickies have muddy feet now

This late morning I had just filled the water puddle and with ice cold drip to keep it moist after all the buffs took a drink Dina stood in it and started sleeping standing in the mud puddle I could just imagine her thinking "ahhhhhhh"

It's weird but i think all my white legged buffs look cute with mud feet :gig
@BlueBaby - yes I do remember you hatching all summer but you were using an incubator and this is a feathered, two legged incubator. Another chick this AM - only one egg left. I have no idea what these chicks are! They are black with yellow/whitish wing tips, chest area and bottoms!

That's true, but I did have my favorite Australorp hen who was trying to be broody die last summer in the heat. She was trying to stay on the nest instead of being out there in the run with the other's staying cool.

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