Arizona Chickens

Hey there, welcome back! Thank's for the head's up on those Chiquita's. It's too bad, because I really liked the look's of them, even if they are a smaller breed. I heard that the Chiquita's are a mix of silkie's and the banty sized B/B/S Americauna's.

That mix is a distinct possibility. She had several different breeds there to work with, and both Silkies and and Americauna's were among them, along with the Bielefelders, Swedish Flower Hens, Cream Legbars, and a few others I can't really recall right now. When I was there she literally had extra cockerels stacked in small cages over six feet high and at least four cages wide. When I asked her about culling extra birds instead of housing them in such tight confinement she informed me very bluntly that she doesn't kill any of her animals, including a few that had really obvious genetic problems such as scissor beak. One particularly mean rooster with more than one genetic issue was roaming around the property and slipping into whatever pen he could whenever he could to breed. Some of her birds were beautiful; some were downright heartbreaking in appearance.
That mix is a distinct possibility. She had several different breeds there to work with, and both Silkies and and Americauna's were among them, along with the Bielefelders, Swedish Flower Hens, Cream Legbars, and a few others I can't really recall right now. When I was there she literally had extra cockerels stacked in small cages over six feet high and at least four cages wide. When I asked her about culling extra birds instead of housing them in such tight confinement she informed me very bluntly that she doesn't kill any of her animals, including a few that had really obvious genetic problems such as scissor beak. One particularly mean rooster with more than one genetic issue was roaming around the property and slipping into whatever pen he could whenever he could to breed. Some of her birds were beautiful; some were downright heartbreaking in appearance.

Thank's for the head's up. If she's like that, then I definitely won't be buying any from her. Those habit's mark someone who is not a very good breeder, and you could end up with bird's having all sort's of defects, if the egg's even hatched out!
="igorsMistress, post: 20168288, member: 202364"]Thanks for checking in with us :) I'm sorry you guys are going through some tough times. I'm hoping for good results for your husband and he's well soon :hugs[/QUOTE] o golly , im so sorry :hugs:( to hear this, I know just what you are going through , my hubby was sick in hospital for a few months with that hernia mesh nightmare , but he will never come home that situation killed him and im here with 75 chickens and all the work involved plus his income is gone. and the bills are rising , plus several much needed repairs that includes a new cooler (( expensive )) to say the least , sorry you are going through this , :hugs may your husband return to you well and happy .:fl

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