Arizona Chickens

Is there a chance she's egg bound?

I would probably start by giving her extra vitamins and electrolytes in her water. The heat (and humidity) has been really bad lately, and I'm noticing more lethargic behavior in a few of my birds as a result too.

She is only 4 months old I don't think she is egg bound. After I posted this question, she seemed to get better now.
By the way I haven't on this forum for a long time if this post is not allowed I apologize and mod please delete.

Help a friend to rehome many hens, 4 months old, healthy. He has Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, Buff Orphington and Black Sexlink. He get his chicks at TSC on March. $10 a piece, pick up in Chandler (Elliot/Arizona). Text or Call Charlie directly 602-481-9362.
By the way I haven't on this forum for a long time if this post is not allowed I apologize and mod please delete.

You are in AZ. so it's ok. We all let other's here know when we have extra's or chicks available here, so why not? Some are even losing some hen's from the high heat right now, and may need to replenish their flock for more eggs. Pullet's are easier to find homes for than the boys are.
My goodness, it takes a while to catch up on all these pages when you haven't been on for a few days! But I enjoyed reading about all the chicken addicts out there :gig

@SonoranChick can you buy your broody hen a day old chick to stick under her at night?

I let one of my buff orpingtons, Henny, brood (my third bird I let brood this year! I must be going soft :lau). I didn't do a good job marking and pulling eggs like I usually do, so I moved her nest and candled around day 14, doing my best to keep any that looked like they were within a few days of each other. This photo is of her first chick that hatched yesterday morning! Looks to be a black australorp. No signs of pipping on any of the other eggs this hopefully she stays setting long enough for them to hatch :fl I don't have an incubator, so hopefully she stays on them! 20180706_175349.jpg
@SMorrison7k What a darling little chickie you got there! As much as I would love to let mine be a mama hen, I can't add to my flock right now. Between me being pregnant, the bumblefoot drama, and the unrelenting heat, I've got my hands full at the moment. It makes me sad to think that it's her natural instinct, she just wants to hatch some eggs so badly, and I'm denying her that. I know she would make a good chicken mom. Maybe one day! The good news is she was out in the run quite a bit today. She did retreat to the box later when we got some rain and thunder but I only had to move her off the nest once today...maybe she is getting sick of being in there after all :fl
Anyone else get any storm action? It dropped down about 10 degrees cooler around 5:30 so that was nice!

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