Arizona Chickens

Hi cactusrota,
I noticed their site finally changed! I have four NN pullets from my straight run purchase at TSC this past March. THey're characters! They have a quiet egg song compared to the leghorns, but are quite vocal about my amberlinks and sapphire gems being moved into the adjacent pen/coop.
BTW, last fall, TSC had Penedesenca for about $1.99! Had I been even close to getting things set up after my move I'd have bought some.
Hi cactusrota,
I noticed their site finally changed! I have four NN pullets from my straight run purchase at TSC this past March. THey're characters! They have a quiet egg song compared to the leghorns, but are quite vocal about my amberlinks and sapphire gems being moved into the adjacent pen/coop.
BTW, last fall, TSC had Penedesenca for about $1.99! Had I been even close to getting things set up after my move I'd have bought some.
pretty birds... I want some hens that lay those dark, dark eggs.....
but now I have 7 and that is as many as my backyard can handle...
Hi cactusrota,
I noticed their site finally changed! I have four NN pullets from my straight run purchase at TSC this past March. THey're characters! They have a quiet egg song compared to the leghorns, but are quite vocal about my amberlinks and sapphire gems being moved into the adjacent pen/coop.
BTW, last fall, TSC had Penedesenca for about $1.99! Had I been even close to getting things set up after my move I'd have bought some.

Penedesenca must be what I got last year from TSC. They weren't labeled as such but my hen has the same features and white earlobes.
:caf Good Morning, hope everyone is doing good, I've been hatching again, looks like my Roo has been earning his scratch, I set 6 eggs and #5 hatched just 10 mins ago, looks like # 6 has pipped.. :) , I am holding off on using the 24 count incubator till after I get back in June, these will go to one of 2 friends that I am hatching for. I'm having some breakfast and then heading out to paint the new coop
Cold here AGAIN - I mean freeze the water dishes cold! Not frozen solid but I had to break ice on top again. Didn't take me long in the coop/run this am! Hoping for some warmer nights too. Those girls are using all their energy to stay warm and have thumbed their noses at making eggs!! Happy Tuesday!

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