Arizona Chickens

I just had someone bring me over some more empty egg carton's, and my stack of them is getting pretty tall now. I hope they don't fall over! :idunno If any of you are in need of a few empty large size egg carton's, I have extra's that I can part with.
@SonoranChick Owls are generally my only problem (and domestic dogs). We think dark when they hunt but it really can be when there is still some light, like at the time just before sunset. Not often can they take off with a chicken from the ground but I have seen them do it with some of the lighter breeds or younger chickens. Right now I have some escape artists and I always worry they will be targeted outside the fence so I'm always checking! That deters predators - just your presence. The chickies will be fine with the move - they won't like the change but their curiosity about "what's out there" will get the best of them!
My husband is so funny...he's more worried about the chickens than I am (and you guys know how I worry! Lol). He wants to build a big enclosed run, much like what we have now, and then build an open yard for them to free range in later once we are all a bit more settled in the new place. So that settles that! Now to decide on wood chips or sand/natural dirt ground. I vote sand, husband likes wood chips.
Here are some baby pics for you guys :love

I want to get some more too, but I'm waiting to get the blue/green egg layer one's as hatching egg's from @DesertChic

I just moved Rocky (my blue egg carrier) into a pen with nearly all of my blue & green egg laying hens last night. He's dancing around like the happiest rooster in the world. The girls are slowly adjusting to the change, but I'm giving extra treats to them to make the move seem more appealing. I'm just glad the weather is warm again and everyone's healthy in spite of the roller coaster ride of winter we experienced.
I just moved Rocky (my blue egg carrier) into a pen with nearly all of my blue & green egg laying hens last night. He's dancing around like the happiest rooster in the world. The girls are slowly adjusting to the change, but I'm giving extra treats to them to make the move seem more appealing. I'm just glad the weather is warm again and everyone's healthy in spite of the roller coaster ride of winter we experienced.

Great! Keep me updated. I've been outside in my coop and run today cleaning and rearranging stuff. I have silkie hatching egg's in one of my incubator's, but I have 2 incubator's.
Great! Keep me updated. I've been outside in my coop and run today cleaning and rearranging stuff. I have silkie hatching egg's in one of my incubator's, but I have 2 incubator's.

I want to give them a full two weeks to get cozy with one another. I just finished checking on them and Rocky's doing an amazing job courting all of them, but has yet to show me who his favorites are. I figure I may break out the candlelight and Barry White in a couple days to get the all in the mood. ;)
I want to give them a full two weeks to get cozy with one another. I just finished checking on them and Rocky's doing an amazing job courting all of them, but has yet to show me who his favorites are. I figure I may break out the candlelight and Barry White in a couple days to get the all in the mood. ;)

Are you going to let them have a bottle of wine to go with the candlelight and Barry White? :lau

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