Arizona Chickens

@starr33 Has your friend checked for mites? This does look like an ugly case of mites but the protein could also be a problem. I would spray them for mites, clean the coop and see if anything happens. I've never had a problem that looked like this. Good luck with the solution.
What kinda spray would they use, and where? the chicken it's self or the coop or both?
View attachment 1693480 Hi Ladies & Gentlemen.. I'm sure there is a more appropriate forum for this, but I don't have a clue what, a friend took these of some chickens that she's babysitting, she said that she's seen them picking, all I could find googling was low protein. Anyone know what's up and what to do about it?

Feather picking can be about low protein, or it can be about behavior. There are some birds (and some breeds) that are prone to feather pick out of boredom, to maintain their dominance in the flock, or just because the like the taste of blood from the feather shaft and also like to eat feathers.

You can try feeding animal protein (yes, it MUST be animal protein) to your birds every few days to see if that reduces the feather picking but the reality is that once birds begin this behavior, they often won't stop. The easiest way to determine who the feather picker is would be to look at which bird still has 'perfect' feathers compared to the other. If none of them have perfect feathers, you either have multiple feather pickers, or it's molting instead of feather picking that you're seeing....though the images you posted DEFINITELY look like feather picking.
@DesertChic do you believe this is definitely feather picking and not something like mites? I have never see this much loss of feathers in this area ever before and I've done this chicken thing a long time. ???? Always something new to learn
@starr33 I use an expensive mix up spray (Elector PSP) in the late spring on coop and girls if needed. Mites can come on the wild birds I think so I try to keep a bit ahead of it. Last year I had my first case of scaley leg mites. I'm watching what @DesertChic says as like I said I've never seen such a thing. If you go with feather picking then just pick up some of those cheeeeeeep chicken quarters. I cook them and give them out in pieces. Great protein.
@DesertChic do you believe this is definitely feather picking and not something like mites? I have never see this much loss of feathers in this area ever before and I've done this chicken thing a long time. ???? Always something new to learn
@starr33 I use an expensive mix up spray (Elector PSP) in the late spring on coop and girls if needed. Mites can come on the wild birds I think so I try to keep a bit ahead of it. Last year I had my first case of scaley leg mites. I'm watching what @DesertChic says as like I said I've never seen such a thing. If you go with feather picking then just pick up some of those cheeeeeeep chicken quarters. I cook them and give them out in pieces. Great protein.
Mites can cause feather picking (self plucking) because of the itchy uncomfortable feeling they cause. The areas being picked on these birds are areas that mites and bird lice like to hang out because of the thinner skin. When I'm checking my birds for bugs I always check around the tail and vent, because that's where they like to congregate.
Thank you everyone, issue is they are not her chickens, I've picked up some gamebird feed, we're going to try that, I'm not sure when her Pastor is due home so that he can address the other stuff. I've caught one of mine pecking feathers a couple of times, so I got them some as well. Mine is getting them right in front of the tail feathers, I do have a roo.. but having seen the hen attacking the others and plucking feathers I don't think it's Billy Bob getting over amorous, mine I know can't be a issue of over crowding.. I haven't seen the set up for the other birds, but with a run and free range, all they are doing is sleeping and laying eggs in the coop.
@DesertChic do you believe this is definitely feather picking and not something like mites? I have never see this much loss of feathers in this area ever before and I've done this chicken thing a long time. ???? Always something new to learn
@starr33 I use an expensive mix up spray (Elector PSP) in the late spring on coop and girls if needed. Mites can come on the wild birds I think so I try to keep a bit ahead of it. Last year I had my first case of scaley leg mites. I'm watching what @DesertChic says as like I said I've never seen such a thing. If you go with feather picking then just pick up some of those cheeeeeeep chicken quarters. I cook them and give them out in pieces. Great protein.

The reason I say feather picking is because of the location and because of the shape of the tattered, remaining feathers in that area. Mites typically like to congregate closer to the vent, under the wings and between the legs. The location of this feather loss is typical of feather picking that occurs while birds are roosting next to each other, head to tail. Then, once a bald spot is created the target area expands. It's REALLY easy to check if I'm wrong though. All you need to do is pick up the bird, check out the area around it's vent, both above and below, and see if there are any creepy crawlies moving about.

That said, the hen in the bottom of the photo also appears to be in molt, which is suggested not only by the fact that the feather loss extends further up her back, but also because of the condition of her wing feathers. And actually, as I examine the photo more closely I'm even more convinced that it's feather picking, because the middle bird looks like she has newer feathers on her back as if coming out of molt. It's not entirely uncommon for this to become a feather picking time as the new feathers grow in, and that spot near the tail is one of the prime targets for a bird crazing a treat courtesy of a flock mate. Just my opinion though.
View attachment 1693480 Hi Ladies & Gentlemen.. I'm sure there is a more appropriate forum for this, but I don't have a clue what, a friend took these of some chickens that she's babysitting, she said that she's seen them picking, all I could find googling was low protein. Anyone know what's up and what to do about it?

Yep they are like you said “picking” they are pecking the feathers off.. Poor things, they need more space, fresh greens & maybe the person doesn’t know how to take care of them..
What kinda spray would they use, and where? the chicken it's self or the coop or both?
Not mites, but if it was any feed store will point you to the right thing for that.. These chickens need more room. Chickens that can free range & be able to get away from a mean hen or cockerel & have fresh greens will make a huge difference..

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