Arizona Chickens

That would actually work out since we really only want 4 or 5 more but will have to order 6 because of their min. I could call Pratt's and see what they have but do they sell sexed chicks? If so that might work out. Glendale is kind of far from us..but so are most cities since we live in San Tan Valley lol. We are more than used to driving
That would actually work out since we really only want 4 or 5 more but will have to order 6 because of their min. I could call Pratt's and see what they have but do they sell sexed chicks? If so that might work out. Glendale is kind of far from us..but so are most cities since we live in San Tan Valley lol. We are more than used to driving

Mesa Feed Barn is supposed to get a bunch in tomorrow. Much closer for you.
They are supposed to be at least RIR, BR and EE, maybe more.

(480) 969-9704; 240 E Broadway Rd; Mesa, AZ 85210;
Good evening, everyone!

Now that Mahonri's contest is over, I can spend some of my BYC time in OTHER threads. No staying up all night to get through the 50 pages they post in an hour!

So, everyone doing ok, other than the winter losses? Has anyone heard from Patti, Tofu Ranch, or AZDesertchicks? What about Sean?
I recieved 16 chicks from in Auguest. They are starting to lay now. I have also hatched eggs from Noskivees and Bob's Henhouse. The ones I hatched seam to do a lot better than the shipped ones. I live in Tonopah Az. Which is way outside of town and the stress, even though they arrived 3 days after shipping, really does a number on them. Wound up loosing 5 within 4 days. They will reimburse you for loss but I just don't like seeing any die. My experience with was very satisfying but I really saw a differance between shipped chicks and ones that didn't have to go through the rough treatment from the USPS. Let me just add this also. Get to know the folks here on the Arizona Chickens thread. They have literally taken me under their wing and have helped me alot. Also look at it this way. After the cost of shipping and chicks you'll get them cheaper locally. And they will thrive better without the stress.
Looking for some advice from those of you who are experienced with incubating.

A little background first......

I got an Ameraucana roo (he and his buddy, a RIR roo, are hatches from this past spring) to replace my now 2 year old RIR roo who is/was destined for the stewpot due to some [suspected] agression issues with the girls.

The two RIR were separated from the rest of the flock and from each other in the only other two cages I have available. Rhett (the older of the two RIRs) has settled down while the younger of the two has become increasingly surly and agressive with me. HE will be a pleasure in a pot with homemade noodles!

The Ameraucana roo has been in with the hens for about 2 months now. This little stinker has become more and more agressive with us (those of us who live in the house with electricity, running water, BYC, etc). My teenagers don't want to go in the coop because of his threatening behavior. We can't turn our backs on him because he comes at us, spurs first, flogging us for all he's worth.

We've been trying to teach this roo that this is OUR flock and that WE rule the roost when we're in there. DH went in tonight and the roo went for him. In the struggle, the roo jump on some rocks around the inside perimeter of the coop/run and severely fractured his leg.

Cut to the chase here.........we are going to put him out of his misery tomorrow afternoon (have a friend coming to harvest his beautiful feathers for some gourding projects). I wanted this roo for a breeder and would love to hatch some of his chicks. I have one hen who routinely goes broody every year about this time and successfully hatches each time.

My question is, how long do you think I can hold the eggs waiting for her to decide it's time? I've heard 30 days or so at room temps. I do NOT have an incubator, nor do I have access to one, unless there's someone close to the Verde Valley who'd like to run a test hatch for me. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Fertility really drops off around day 10.

There are lots of us around with roos, if you don't care what the chickens are. Lots of folks with pure breeds, too!
Laree - I'm sorry to hear about your hatch!

Mahonri - do you have BCM chicks? Are you going to re-start your flock, or are you moving on to something else?

65browneyes - I've always heard 10 days. The roo sounds like a jerk, I wouldn't want to pass on his genetics!
Hi There!
I'm also in AZ! Pretty new to all of this chicken stuff...I have a question for you all~ It has been so cold here!! I'm worried about my girls!! Should I be doing something to keep them warm? They are in a roofed coop at night but the whole front of their room is chicken wire, so I'm sure it is pretty darn freez'in. I would need a heater!!

Thanks so much!
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