Arizona Chickens

ArizonaDesertChicks - I LOVE the splash EE! She is gorgeous! You have beautiful chickens!

I agree with you on the Aloha Project Chickens! They were great once they got through their butt-head stage. And they laid a ton of eggs! The 2 prettiest ones that I had went back to LareePQG to contribute to the project

65browneyes -
Good point!

Lyongirl and Gallo del Cielo and Mahonri: I didn't know that chicks were so dusty.

Mahonri - "The Ameraucanas are finally starting to put out."
I'm going to take that out of context, and say that it sounds wrong.
I would love to do a test hatch if I ever get a broody that isn't a silkie! I am never again going to trust a solo silkie with eggs! Out of all the ones you gave me last time, she managed to hatch ONE. It is an adorable FBCM chick, but it is a lonley only! I took pictures today, I need to upload! You'd think that after all the hatches I've done I'd have more than 10 chickens. And that is including the stray from next door! Here's the chick:

LareePQG - Your blog inspired me to get around to starting my own! Well, I mean, I had one, but it was just recipes. Now I have a bloggity blog!

<-- the View Website button is over that way
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This is the stray chicken:

It came from the flock that belongs to the old guy next door (quite a ways away). It escaped when half of his flock was killed by a bobcat.

I don't know what to do with it. It has been here for 2 weeks. It is a very distressed chicken, and I haven't been able to catch it. I've left it alone for a few days and it has basically joined my flock as long as I'm in the house (except at night, when it vanishes). I'm afraid that if I DO catch it, that the original flock will beat it up when it rejoins them.

Also, the neighbor had a BAD stroke right before the bobcat attack. He doesn't know it is missing. His wife is really nice, but she is definitely not into chickens. I haven't even seen her outside so I haven't gotten to tell her the chicken is in our yard. I don't think anyone is home 90% of the time.

Should I just keep it? Leave a note in the mail box? Offer $15? Or sneak into their yard and throw it over the chicken fence?
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Hi Tucson Tofu! Have you tried to feed it? It looks like a neat bird. Extra nice that it's been able to survive on its own for so long. I think you should feed it and water it and see what happens (but also maybe tell your neighbor that you spotted it).

ArizonaDesertChicks, I think that splash EE is one of the most beautiful chickens I've ever seen!
Gallo del Cielo - She eats out of the main chicken dish now, so I'm not worried about that. She hangs out with my flock but is very flighty. I probably could have caught her today (she went in the hen house) but I didn't know what I'd do once I had her.

She has a weird face. Does anyone know what breed she is? LareePQG caught a glimpse of her and thought she was a gamebird mix.
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Wow! What do your birds do when it goes into their territory? Is it already more or less integrated into your flock? You're right, the face is weird. I'd like to see a close-up pic. I'll bet it's hard to photograph.
Oh Goodie!! It's so nice to know there okay! My husband thinks I'm going crazy with these chickens! EHEHEHHH!

Thank you all for the warm welcome and the tips! I think I will start to tarp it when it gets real cold. Annie, Isabella and Penny are getting pretty big! There almost a year old! I got them for my Preschool class and fell in love! It's going to be that time again soon. Does anyone know where to get fertilized eggs? I usually hit up the Tolmachoff's but there not always fertilized. I have never had any luck hatching...I keep trying! Then at the end of my unit, I have to go out and get baby chicks!! My class always thinks they came from the eggs and I never say anything to correct them! EHEHHEHEH!

Have a good night!
Hello ttfoster! Welcome to BYC. That's great that you at least don't disappoint the kids when the hatches fail. Something tells me that you'll be a great hatcher before long. Hopefully, your students will get to witness it.
Thank you! I hope so...Maybe this is the year??

I just checked out your feeder!! WOW!! That is so neat!! I think I could watch them eat out of it all day!
If it was me and they had birds over there being cared for, I'd put it back with their flock, otherwise, I'd take care of it and leave a note letting someone there know where it's at if they'd like to retrieve it. I think it's very good-neighborly of you to have cared for it this much during this time which has to be very stressful for the owners and everything they must be going through with him having had a major stroke.
Arizonadesertchicks- Your girls are beautiful! I wouldn't mind having a few colored like them running around our backyard! That's a good idea ordering a super large number and then just picking out your favorites and selling the rest. I know girls sell fast around here so that prob. isn't too hard to do.

Tucson Tofu- I would at least leave them a note just to let them know. The way I see it, if they don't mind you got a free chicken, but if they do mind maybe they know how to catch her. She almost has a vulture face it looks like from the side

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