Arizona Chickens

Supposed to hit 110 this week in the valley. I am new to chickens and ha e been putting frozen jugs out in hte coop anyone else have any good ideas or things you do to combat the heat you can share?

As far as misters go... you'd have to check at the store near you, of course, but at the Home Depot we frequent, they have a kit for sale for $20. It has the 12' starter set plus a 10' extension set. They're easy to install and you can add additional extensions up to 50' total length. We bought one today and had it hooked up in the coop and running in 10 minutes. They don't typically run this deal, and the starter set itself is $17, so it's not a bad way to get your chickens a misting system quickly if your local HD has it. We're looking at 106 or higher this week in Tucson, so we figured it'd be a good idea to get something going now.

Installation consists of the following: 1. Connect to hose. 2. Route misting system (it's a flexible plastic line) and attach, using either the nail u-clips or you can find some zip ties. 3. Turn on water and adjust the aim on the nozzles. Ta-da, you've got a misting system.
It has been 24 hours since our hen got stung. She is still not standing on her own. I wonder if I should have re-administered the Benedryl. I guess she will pull through. Don't think she is eating much if anything, but she is drinking lots of water. Hope she makes it through the night.

Interesting, hu? People who get stung report stinging, numbness at the sting site and beyond as well as numbness of the tongue. I can imagine that poison being strong enough to numb a whole chicken. Poor thing. Wonder if she will ever eat a scorpion again?
DS got stung the first of the month. Half of the tip of his left middle finger is still numb.

He was up in Paradise Valley. We've never had scorpions here.

I did on Thursday, however watch a rat come over the wall from the neighbors, grab a baby chick and take off with it in it's mouth.
We've put out a goodly number of bait tubes full of Just One Bite. I hope to soon be picking up dead rats
You may already be doing this, but have you tried giving her a little sugar in the water? Or a very watery mash? It might give her some calories she is not getting otherwise to help her body recover. You can also give liquid baby vitamins (without iron).

I hope she pulls through. It is so hard to see them like this.
You may already be doing this, but have you tried giving her a little sugar in the water? Or a very watery mash? It might give her some calories she is not getting otherwise to help her body recover. You can also give liquid baby vitamins (without iron).

I hope she pulls through. It is so hard to see them like this.

I'd suggest bringing her inside where it is cooler, and keeping her in a quiet, darker room. Gatorade or pedialyte would be good. Put food and water where she can get it without moving. Maybe hardboil and mash an egg for her.

If you want a chicken to eat a particular scorpion, cut off its tail stinger first. A number of years back a friend's chicken was stung by a scorpion and she ended up with a quite large vet bill.
With everyone talking about the heat and misters, I just thought I would share..... we use the small personal misters at one end of the coop. We can move them around as needed to "wet" different areas at different times during the day. They are very affordable and you can usually find them at HD, Lowes or Ace Hardware. Here is a picture of what we use.......
I picked up another one of these during the Father's Day sale at Ace. Love 'em. The first one I bought was $10, so I guess that is the non sale price.

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