Arizona Chickens

Yes, yes, yes! I'll even give in and wear the mad scientist costume.

How long is this class going to last? We have a beer making kit that I gave DH as a present many years ago--never used it

The class should last 3 hours, I want to cram in as many demos as we have time for!
TT! :

I have a lazy layer who might be a candidate for processing, and would like to see also.

As to where and when, Someone in Tucson needs to volunteer a largeish workspace (kitchen/dining area works well) and I think I can do it the 3rd or 4th week in July on a Sunday so DH can keep the kids.

YAY SOAP! McVision, do you charge for your classes, or does everyone chip in for supplies?​

Yes, I charge but I bring all supplies except goggles and gloves.
I got my first egg a few days ago. Then I was disapointed I didn't get anymore. I had looked around the yard since I am letting them run around during the day and didnt see anything. I noticed my Zuchini that was in the old wheel barrel was smashed down. I wasn't to worried about it since I have a bunch fenced off. I looked and there was 3 eggs there apparently my one hen decided she like to lay in the wet wheel barrel full of Zuchini plants LOL. Just happy to be getting eggs. Thx for the hen Laree.
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Good luck today everyone!
It's going to be brutal out there. The forecast is 118 for parts of Pima Co.--for the next seven days! I gotta imagine it's going to be worse up in Phoenix.

gckiddhouse, sorry about the lost polish. Poor kid too.
Do you have any special sauerkraut tips? I'm on my first batch right now and I'm not quite sure it's fermenting at the rate it should.

mclevinson, I'm unavailable for the last two weeks of July and first two weeks of Aug. No soap for me.

stevensonm, congratulations on your eggs!
Ugh! The heat is ON! We are going to be gone for a week. I hope my nephew doesn't have to find any dead chickens or deal with the stupid mister system malfunctioning and flooding the coop.

I made a big batch of sauerkraut and it took 3 times longer to ferment than the directions said. It was in my pantry for a month. It was tasty, though. Don't worry about it, just leave it until it tastes just the way you want it. Soooo good for you!
Gallo: The dates aren't set yet, could still happen.
gckiddhouse: I tried pickles but didn't work, they just got soft. Would LOVE trying sauerkraut.

stevenson: Isn't it great? I feel like I'm getting a present every day. I thank the hens excessively.
Thanks gckiddhouse! That's just what I wanted to hear. I'm trying not to be too impatient, but I just can't wait till it's ready. I haven't had real (live) sauerkraut since I was a kid and I've been craving it for months now. I wish you, your nephew and your chickens good luck!

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