Arizona Chickens

I haven't used horse manure, but if you're interested in llama manure let me know. Here's some info on it We have plenty produced daily.
I'd better not let that box get near me. I'm the kiss of death to plants. I''m afraid I would scare the germination right out of those seed!

The seed box is an AZ BYC exclusive.

It is passed around to those of us (NOT Mikey) who have green thumbs and seeds are added and removed as you see fit.

Sounds like a bunch of fun for those people that can plant something and have it live more than a week.
Hmmm, so basically something more or less equivalent to amniocentesis for chicken eggs to determine gender, then treat the males. I was actually wondering if hormones would reduce crowing if given to adult males rather than males who are still developing.

Yep, they probably aspirate a small sample to do a karyotype and examine the chromosomes to sex the embryos or maybe they can pcr the sample to determine sex. Those are just guesses though, I'd like to read the methods. To answer your last question, yes you could treat adult males with estrogen, but testes would shrink. With regression of testes, one would expect lower testosterone production and most likely lower sperm production and likely a lower reproductive drive. So, less crowing, but also less sperm production and less mating activity.

I just did a quick search and it looks like they use PCR to get the sex of developing embryos. Tough to do at home, lots of specialized equipment.
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Just in case anyone needs a cute fix is another Serama chick peeping video!

Check out the little wing feathers and tail on Uno! Duo is doing well too, but has more strawberry blonde coloring (will try and get a video tomorrow). The third egg is pretty much a dud, but we decided to just wait for the weekend to pull it out.
I did win the Short Story Contest! Thanks to all of you!

Bootsie, Thank you I will try again with some Ameraucana eggs but a smaller amount. I want to try again before I get those Serima eggs. I am so afraid I will loose them! What happened to my hatch! I hatched Aurorarose eggs just fine with little loss. The only thing I did differantly with Aurorarose eggs is that is candled them at 14 days and that is what it look like they developed to until they died, or a day or so after. Aurorarose eggs I didn't candle until lockdown. Both eggs batches I hand turned. Any one have an idea what happened?
My bator is a LG still air. As I said my first hatch was wonderful in it!Oh one more thing I remembered. The Easter Egg batch was a lot larger than the first batch I hatch. Could I have had to many eggs in that kind of bator?

Congrats Fuzzy!

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