Arizona Chickens

For those of you that do Market on the Move, do you bring your own boxes or baskets? Or do they have the produce in boxes already? I'm going to go for the first time this weekend, and I want to be prepared.

White Tip's egg (our red star hen) L. and Mumbai's very first egg!! (black star hen) R. Look how little the cute little first egg is =) White Tip's egg is normal sized, Mumbai's is sooo teeny tiny! LOL!
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For those of you that do Market on the Move, do you bring your own boxes or baskets? Or do they have the produce in boxes already? I'm going to go for the first time this weekend, and I want to be prepared.

i take a laundry basket or tote and they are very smart about the lines. the heavy stuff is usually in the beginning and things like tomatoes at the end that way they dont get squished. if you dont take your own box they give you one but you have to fill it, its not done for you.
i love love love it and wish i started going sooner. i'm not a member yet so wont be going at all this summer, but am going to budget for it next year.
hope you enjoy it!! its very fun and addicting, lol
nova i'm so sorry to hear about your loss and damage to your flock. i instantly got paranoid about my neighbors pitbull, he always sounds like he wants to eat us when we are in our backyard. a beautiful creature for sure, but i dont think he has good "parents." glad to hear that your babies are laying even after their stress earlier this week.
For those of you that do Market on the Move, do you bring your own boxes or baskets? Or do they have the produce in boxes already? I'm going to go for the first time this weekend, and I want to be prepared.
They have their own boxes. Some people do bring their own though.

They are soon going to switch over to summer and only members will be able to attend. There is a refrigerated something or other in Phoenix that will be the distribution site.
Woo Hoo! My 4 ladies are laying! I"m averaging 3 eggs per day and I'm finally over a dozen now! I know this may not mean much, but I'm just so blown away that I have some great pets with enormous personality and it's great to get something back in return! What a reward!
Woo Hoo!  My 4 ladies are laying!  I"m averaging 3 eggs per day and I'm finally over a dozen now!  I know this may not mean much, but I'm just so blown away that I have some great pets with enormous personality and it's great to get something back in return!  What a reward!

Great! 3 eggs a day from 4 hens is really good. You have happy hens for sure!

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