Arizona Chickens

um, wow. that doesn't look like any kind of worm i have ever seen. almost looks like intestines? but what the heck do i know? try posting in emergencies/ gross things forum and see what you get.
I got the courage to NOT throwup and put on plastic gloves & grabbed a ziplock bag. There were several worms in it. URGH!!! So, now I'm off to the feed store for medication.

Do I have to throw out all their eggs that I've previously collected or just after the medication is started? Good grief we've been eating them for weeks. Are we in any danger?
I got the courage to NOT throwup and put on plastic gloves & grabbed a ziplock bag. There were several worms in it. URGH!!! So, now I'm off to the feed store for medication.

Do I have to throw out all their eggs that I've previously collected or just after the medication is started? Good grief we've been eating them for weeks. Are we in any danger?
you mean there were worms in that tube looking thing? what kind of worms? omg, i think i might puke. might i suggest ivermectin gold paste or safeguard paste instead of wazine. i assume you don't have any valbazen. oh yuck. sorry.
My wife's girls are starting to look a bit funny as they lose their fuzz and are having their feathers come in. They've decided the inside of the Rubbermaid box isn't good enough, nor is the roost that I made them inside. The rock isn't even worth it to them. They insist in roosting on the top lip of the box. All three of them. Then, they conveniently turn their butts outwards and poop right onto the tile floor. Time to make a lid.

We started introducing them to the dogs from a long distance last weekend. Yesterday, I put the girls in a large dog kennel in the yard and held the dogs by the collars for a much closer introduction. Both dogs were extremely excited, so this may take a bit longer than expected. Oy, the joys of not having a ranch like I want.

There's been some good updates on Jed, but I haven't had time to post them. Earlier this week, he was moved down to the Recovery Ward and is doing significantly better. He can barely see out of one eye, and the vision spot keeps shifting. He's able to sit up, walk and play with a little support. Jed is starting to put simple sentences together and is trying to make jokes, so the anger of being trapped in the body has subsided drastically. All in all, he's making an unbelievably miraculous recovery. There's still a long way to go, but he's progressing.

After three spinal taps and two nasal swabs coming back negative for bacterial and viral infections, the Doctors said today that it is all some sort of viral infection, but they don't know what it is or how to treat it. It sounds like they're just trying to cover someone's arse to me, though. They're fighting the exposure to sunlight and earthing, because they "couldn't rule out a contagious disease." And yet, he was never in a negative airflow room or on a contagious disease protocol. The Doctors wore respirators for awhile, but that was never consistent and the guests never had to. She hasn't said anything about getting a Reflexologist, either.

No matter what, though, all the prayers have helped and are appreciated. Thank you!
sorry, i stopped reading after you said " worms in it."
i am surprised you haven't found a worm inside an egg with something like this going on. just crack them in a bowl first, you'll know if you see one! most people toss the eggs for 2 weeks after treatment, you also need to repeat the treatment in 7-10 days, so you will be tossing for a while. some of us are not tossers though
I'm thinking I need to switch out the poop collection method in their playhouse. Currently I have straw on the bottom & keep adding to it & then clean it all out. I haven't done this for a while. Actually, I hate to admit, I can't remember when I switched it out last. But I'm in the pen daily collecting eggs, so I just assumed I would notice if there were wormies there.

I saw someone's had a cat litter filled catcher under the roosts. Or a newspaper lined removable tray.
OK so I can't post for sale or Auction in the Acution site even though I meet all the requirements. SO Arizona Chicken LOVERS are in LUCK..


here is the catch. one is frizzled gorgeous I think its a female. the other is for sure a male smooth, but he is having issues with his feet. one seems to me turning in REALLY badly. he walks/limps ok with more exercise. But they are my moms and she doesn't have time to keep putting them out to roam around & such. So unfortunately. She wants to sell them. And maybe some of her other polish as well. See has buff laced, WC black , CUCKOO & a frizzled cuckoo ( that also is having leg issues). I don't know what is going on with these leg issues but aarrgghh. 3/4 of the polish is from Gretchen @ Bareneccessities farm ( sorry I know I misspelled it). so here goes the price, on some of the websites it quotes a price and those are for trios+ and all are mostly chicks. These tolbunts are about 6 or 7 months old. I don't know how much to price these at or what. But the frizzled should be no less than $150 especially if its a female? the boy obviously is going to be less than the female because of its legs. IF you are interested in ANY of these polish just send me an email or tell me how I can post these guys up for auction.

I'm thinking I need to switch out the poop collection method in their playhouse. Currently I have straw on the bottom & keep adding to it & then clean it all out. I haven't done this for a while. Actually, I hate to admit, I can't remember when I switched it out last. But I'm in the pen daily collecting eggs, so I just assumed I would notice if there were wormies there.

I saw someone's had a cat litter filled catcher under the roosts. Or a newspaper lined removable tray.
I use pine shavings and I think it works much better than straw.

There's been some good updates on Jed, but I haven't had time to post them.
That's great!

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