Arizona Chickens

I have a question. I have a coop, 4x4 not including the nest boxes, inside an enclosed run. I just have an always open door for them to go in and out of the coop the size of a large dog door. Is it ok to have that large opening come the cold winter nights? Will they still be able to keep warm enough? Do I need to do anything different? The opening opens towards a block wall fence about a foot away or so. It is protected because the whole coop is in the corner with a block wall on two sides. In the summer they sleep on top of the coop but I blocked that off so they would sleep inside where it is warmer now that winter is coming.
I'm in Gilbert too, we just have a open air coop, all wire, and they do fine in the winter. If it was really rainy or windy and cold I could put a tarp up, but I never needed to last year. They always stayed dry and were warm enough. Mine just sleep closer together in the winter.
Welcome back!
Well, I seem to have a problem. About six weeks ago my wife gave my chickens to some lady she met in Wallyworld. The chickens were all seven or eight years old, so they would only lay once in a while. Their days in the sun were over.

The idea was that we would start over with a new batch of chicks when the weather cooled off.

Well yesterday I went to clean up the coop, and I discovered that a swarm of feral bees had set up house in my coop. They were not there on Friday, but they were there on Monday. I sat and watched them off and on all yesterday afternoon. They seemed pretty sedate to me. But when my son came home, they didn't like him at all.

I sure don't want to spray my coop with pesticide. Any suggestions?
Well, I seem to have a problem. About six weeks ago my wife gave my chickens to some lady she met in Wallyworld. The chickens were all seven or eight years old, so they would only lay once in a while. Their days in the sun were over.

The idea was that we would start over with a new batch of chicks when the weather cooled off.

Well yesterday I went to clean up the coop, and I discovered that a swarm of feral bees had set up house in my coop. They were not there on Friday, but they were there on Monday. I sat and watched them off and on all yesterday afternoon. They seemed pretty sedate to me. But when my son came home, they didn't like him at all.

I sure don't want to spray my coop with pesticide. Any suggestions?

As I see it you only have three options. One, you could wait a couple of days and hope that the colony is only making a temporary stop-over in your coop on their way to a better location. Two, if the bees don't leave in a couple days you could hire someone to come remove them. Or, three, do nothing and hope the bees go away someday. Unless you have access to a bee suit and a smoker (and some experience with bees) I wouldn't recommend attempting to deal with them yourself. I think it would be very difficult to spray the inside of the coop without great risk to your safety.
Well, I seem to have a problem. About six weeks ago my wife gave my chickens to some lady she met in Wallyworld. The chickens were all seven or eight years old, so they would only lay once in a while. Their days in the sun were over.

The idea was that we would start over with a new batch of chicks when the weather cooled off.

Well yesterday I went to clean up the coop, and I discovered that a swarm of feral bees had set up house in my coop. They were not there on Friday, but they were there on Monday. I sat and watched them off and on all yesterday afternoon. They seemed pretty sedate to me. But when my son came home, they didn't like him at all.

I sure don't want to spray my coop with pesticide. Any suggestions?
in the 7 years we have lived in this house, we have had quite a few colonies of bees do layovers in our trees, stay for awhile(like a few days) then leave. we haven't had them in a structure, knock on wood, but they leave us alone if we leave them alone. i did initially call a bee removal company since the twins were so young at the time and that first swarm was attacking the fireman and they came out and did their thing, but haven't done it since.

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