Arizona newbie

Thank you, all! I have treated the sick one with Corid and given them all fresh, treated water. They have put themselves to bed now, so I hope things are better in the morning, or at least in a few days. I couldn't have dealt with this without you, thank you so much!!
Keep us posted on the little one! 😊
Good morning. My sick pullet is about the same today. I gave her another dose of Corid this morning (first dose was yesterday afternoon), and she's still not interested in eating or drinking. Should I give her water with a syringe a few times today? I'm worried that she might get dehydrated, if she isn't already - no drinking all day yesterday and still today.

Also, the other three are having loose stools, but not acting sick. They are eating and drinking the treated water. Surely they are infected too?. Is the treated water enough for them at this point, or should I start giving them a straight Corid dose too, as a preventative?

I will be thoroughly cleaning everything today in the coop and run. Any other suggestions? Thank you!

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