ARRRGH I think I broke my foot.

Exact spot I broke mine...same foot (right)

I had to have surgery to pin the bones back together.

I didn't know it was broken till I took x-rays at work.
You should have seen the look on the Dr.s face when I had all of these tiny dental x-rays patched together to show the break.

Years ago I broke the big toe on my right foot when a horse stepped on it. Word of warning folks.... do not go into the horse correls in bare feet, those darn critters are heavy!

Then last fall I was unloading a bunch of 100 lb bales of hay and one of them fell off the truck and hit the same foot. Didn't break the toe though but it sure swelled up and turned blue and I ended up loosing the toenail ( same toe too).
Exact spot I broke mine...same foot (right)

I had to have surgery to pin the bones back together.

I didn't know it was broken till I took x-rays at work.
You should have seen the look on the Dr.s face when I had all of these tiny dental x-rays patched together to show the break.



What prompted you to get those x-rays though?

This is stupid but I still haven't been to see the doc. Perhaps tomorrow. Problem is, my GP is a town away (more stupidity) and I don't think this is really "ER" worthy seeing as I'm in no immediate danger...if the GP office was closer I'd have likely already been taken.
Still can't move the toe and there is like a perfect patch of red swelling over the area. I can walk on it reasonably okay. Like I said though, not much pain at all.
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I figured I would update this though I am sure no one really cares, lol. But for courtesy's sake of all who have helped me --

I ended up not going to the doc...yes, yes, I know, stupidity. I have regained most motion in the toe...some days I can flex it more than others. It also seems to depend on what position my foot is in. It does not hurt at all...I can palpitate the entire area rather roughly and do extreme physical activities on it, and nothing. Although yesterday it was twinging a bit, I suspect from an attempt to pop it (which I eventually managed). I have very long toes and the joints tend to pop a lot...when I was younger it would happen constantly if I walked barefoot.

Anyway. Yeah, so no pain, no doc...but, there still persists a dark brown/red bruise-mark which covers the entire joint. Not sure if it is a bruise as, like I said, it is not tender to press. Dunno what's up with that.

I probably screwed myself by not going to the doc, but there is no loss of feeling and very little loss of motion...not thinking it's serious. To tell you the truth, I hesitated making a big deal out of it to my mother because I did not want to put her out of her way driving me all the way to the GP office (which is farther than most). I did show her, and bring it up that I couldn't move it to it's normal extent, but she more or less brushed that off.

I have four weeks until my mandatory check-up for continuation of BC...if the mark is still there then. I'll bring it up.

Thanks all...

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