
7 Years
Dec 2, 2015
Upstate NY
I am almost positive I have at least 1 duck affected by aspergillus. I noticed her panting heavily and another panting slightly.

Some things I've noticed:
She stopped panting and is now a bit lethargic and definitely quiet.
My last bag of shavings was damp when I opened it.
I tried deep litter method 2 days ago. When I noticed this yesterday, I immediately cleaned the coop out.

I have wild oil of oregano and apple cider vinegar in her water. She is still eating and drinking. What else can I do?
I am keeping food and water off the floor and cleaning bedding daily. I hear mulch can stop the fungal growth? but I am skeptical about adding mulch to the coop.
Has anyone dealt with this successfully? What did you do? I would hate to lose them.
Respiratory problems are fairly rare with waterfowl unless they are being kept in horrid conditions, so let's address the most common reason they pant, excess heat. Can you move her to room temp(70F) for a while and see if the panting stops, a video of them panting would be great too.
She isn't hot or in horrid conditions. She even went in the pool with the girls yesterday (it was 60 and sunny for the first time). The run is muddy right now due to high rain. I am working on getting river sand for their run. I'm in upstate NY, highs here right now are 45 at best. The panting has stopped. Now it's the lethargy and quietness I am concerned with. I am not new to birds so I think I catch things quick but I don't know where to go from here. I know something is off with her, for sure. She doesn't quack when I open the door like she did and tends to stay alone. She never did this previous. I have them banded so I have been keeping a very close eye on her.

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