assisted hatch help


8 Years
Nov 19, 2011
I know better than to get to involved and try to help, but I did anyway.
I had an egg that had internally pipped for two days. I became crazed and instead of just letting it be, I made a tiny air hole in the top of the egg. There was a little blood so I immediately put it back and let it be . I'm so mad at myself. Anyway, it's been well over 24 hours and I know that the chick is still alive because it moves and peeps a bit. It still has not externally pipped though. Tell me to just walk away and sit on my hands. Please.
8 hours later it is still chirping and I see movement in the little hole I made. How long do I wait now? I made the stupid hole 33 hours ago. Will it dry up inside since it has been exposed for so long? The chick seems ok since it is still making noise.
Well im not to experienced but what day is it for the chick?
I honestly don't know because they were kind of a rescue situation. I checked the eggs often (there are two) and saw that the one had pip'd internally a few days ago. Also, I knew it was time because the air cell got really big. When I candled it, I could see the beak and body in the air cell. I gave it almost two days like that and then I felt like I needed to make a small hole for air. I don't know why I did that. Now it's been a day and a half and no progress.

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