At what age do Guinea Hens start laying eggs

Usually by 16 wks they are sexually mature and can breed/lay, but depending on what protein % feeds there were raised on, the weather, temps and how much light they get they may bot lay until next Spring for you. They are typically seasonal layers, Spring thru Fall, but occasionally young pullets can and will lay a few random eggs during the "off season".
Usually by 16 wks they are sexually mature and can breed/lay, but depending on what protein % feeds there were raised on, the weather, temps and how much light they get they may bot lay until next Spring for you. They are typically seasonal layers, Spring thru Fall, but occasionally young pullets can and will lay a few random eggs during the "off season".
I have 4 chickens and 1 is a rooster Kiss kiss, Shadow,Chi chi and Silky is the rooster they try to mate.They get realy exited when i open the door to let them out! I have 2 bantams witch is Shadow and Chi chi and the other 2 are silkies witch are Kiss kiss and Silkie.

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