Attack on Child

My rooster was never aggressive towards me until one day I suppose he matured a bit and started to act like he was alpha..... never too aggressive with me, but with a hen around I guess he wanted to prove his manhood or whatever so once in awhile he would kick me. He never really wanted to go all-out at me, but sort of like a warning kick. Anyway, I made it a point that whenever I was going in the coop to change the feed/waterer that I was going to pick him up and pet him, just for a few seconds each time I was in the coop. After doing this a few times, he realized I wasn't a threat at all to him or the hen so he chilled a bit and no longer kicks me. Point is, some roosters will show aggression at first only because they are unsure and insecure until they get familiar with your behavior and will no longer show aggression........... and then there are those that will NEVER change their ways and will always act like Mike Tyson in the ring wanting to take your head off!

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