Attempted murder in Tractor

florida lee

8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
I moved two broody hens and their eggs into my vacant tractor. I figured this way they would not be bothered by the other chickens. The tractor is 5' x 9' and has 3 nest boxes. They settled in with no problems, The BA had 4 eggs and the BO had 5 eggs. The BA hatched out 2 chicks, both yellow. the BO hatched out 3 chicks...1 black, 1 red and 1 yellow. these were mixed eggs. All seemed well until the chicks were about 3 days old and mama's had them out of the nest boxes on the floor teaching them to eat and drink. I noticed the black(barred rock) chick off by him/her self. Then as I was watching thru a window the BA attacked the chick. This was a very vicious attack. It happened two more times before I could retrieve the chick, bleeding from the head. the BA, (her first hatching) seemed to be targeting that chick. another chick the red one (RIR) was hurt in the melee also. I removed the RIR chick with a leg injury.
I removed the BA and put her (screaming) back into the general population.
This morning the black (BR) chick seemed to be doing fine so I put her back in the tractor with the BO and other chicks. Btw, the black chick was hatched by the BO anyway. She/he was accepted right away and all appears well.
The rir chick is still in isolation with a bad leg. I got her to eat and drink this morning and she is trying to hop around on her good leg and attempting to put weight on her bad leg but mostly just lays around. If she can get the leg working today or tomorrow I will put her back with her mama and the other chicks. the leg does not appear to be broken, hope it not a joint problem.
Poor babies. I always keep my broodies and their babies separated. The mommas will attack other chicks that are not of their own clutch. Next year because I had so many broodies I'll be making their own broody pens to place in the run. This year I had them in rabbit cages when I wasnt watching them otherwise I had them free ranging.
The BO accepted all the chicks ( this was her second hatching), I put the one with the bad leg back in the tractor with her and the other chicks last night. So far so good. I just don't know if the chicks leg will get better or not. The chick is moving around, as every time I look in she/he is in a different location.

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