Audible breathing


Feb 2, 2021
South East PA
I have a 3 year old buff orpongton that suddenly has started to sneeze and had loud breathing. It sounds like "hee" whenever she breathes and she sneezes every once in a while. Shes running around, eating and drinking so i dont know how big a deal it is, but the last time I pushed something off a chicken I had died so I want to solve this problem as soon as possible what should i do? Thanks
Hello! If she is eating, drinking, and behaving normally, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Does she have any other symptoms beside sneezing and labored/ audible breathing? Changes in droppings, nasal discharge, droopy wings, etc? If it lingers for a while longer then there may be something wrong, but it may also have something to do with all the pollens and dust particles in the air at this time of year. I know it can be scary when you don’t know what’s going on or what’s wrong with a pet, but in my experience the problem often fixes by itself within a few days. Give it a little while, but keep an eye on her and her behavior.
It could be stridor, a sound made when a small piece of feed gets stuck in the airway, or something like a mucus plug. Many times it clears in a few hours. If it continues for more than that, and the sneezing is more frequent, that may indicate a respiratory infection. Does it sound like the chicken in post 1 of this video?
I had a hen with stridor a few months ago, helpers here were very reassuring, and it cleared up in a day. I was so happy and she laid her first egg the following day!
If she sounds like the video then hopefully this will reassure you. If she doesn't maybe you can take a video yourself for the helpers to chime in?

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