Audible heavy breathing in rescued hen


Aug 6, 2020
Czech Republic
Hi everyone! There seems to be a new issue that I've noticed yesterday and confirmed today with one of the hens I rescued: I can hear her breathing, not like gasping for air, but it's definitely heavier sounding as if she just ate a lot of dry feed but haven't drank any water yet. As soon as she comes closer, you can hear it and the other two are silent in this regard, that's why it got my attention. She is also shaking her head from time to time, but that might not be connected.

Other than that, she seems completely fine, no other symptoms, no discharge from nostrils, beak or eyes, no weird poop and she is very lively and eats and drinks. Her plumage is healthy and is being fully regrown at the moment. But since two of my rescued hens died recently from unknown causes, I really don't want to underestimate anything this time.

What do you think it could mean? And should I get her to see a vet?
If you have the means & ability to get her to a vet then you probably should; you shouldn't be able to hear her breathing. Thank goodness you rescued them!
Thank you! :) It seemed a bit better today - I will listen to her tomorrow and decide what to do. There is still time to get an appointment with the vet for this week.
So the hen is having the breathing symptom on and off again - this morning, I've heard nothing at all, but as soon as she began eating, later on, I heard it again. Also when she is stressed (I once had to help her to the coop as she was wandering alone just after dusk in the garden), she was breathing very heavily. But there are times where it's not apparent at all - and she really does behave and look healthily, so I am can't really decide what to do. Whether it's really worth putting her through so much stress (she is very stress sensitive and fearful) of putting her in a box, driving her to a vet, being examined, treated etc. or whether it would be better to just wait if it is not resolved on its own? I really don't know how serious it could be and if it couldn't be connected with food in her crop, therefore not being a symptom of an illness?
So I decided to go to the vet after all. She was given an antibiotics injection yesterday and I will be giving her antibiotics in form of pills now for 5 days. Fingers crossed!

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