August Box Swap!

Now the wait to see who we get and who gets us
Im going to hold this open for a few more days just to see if we can get a handful more people. Mkay? Come on people. Do it.
Sorry guys. I'm such a flake. LOL Anyways, If you still want to join just PM me the thingy on the first page.
I would say maybe yes on canada...?? I don't know why *NOT* so if anyone has a reason speak now or forever hold your peace.
I will work on this today and tomorrow and pm everyone their person on MONDAY 8/5. SO MONDAY, IT IS CLOSED>.
Swaps will need to be sent out within 15 days of receiving your info.
Since many people wanted eggs and only a few are sending eggs, I'm going to have to draw names I think to make it fair. Unless more people have eggs to send. lol.

Okay, here we go....

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