Australorp Rhode island red cross. Chicks !

I have two RIR roosters that are friendly, great with the hens yet very submissive with me. I chose them for personality and one had fast growth. They were chosen from 46 hatchery males. Of course, two of them ended up being hens. I butchered the ones with bad attitudes first. One of the roos is a hero. There was a predator one night, he lost all his big beautiful tail feathers but two. All the hens were fine, and other than a scratch on his comb, he was not injured. I am crossing the roos over barred rock hens, trying to make black sex link chickens that can be sexed at birth. I just hatched out five chicks, my first incubated ones! All 3 of the black birds have the white spot on their heads indicating that they are roos. Since I am using hatchery chickens, I will have ato wait to see if it worked. The other two are red, one is full blooded RIR. I went to the feed store today. They had 4 blue astralorp pullets available, I could not resist! They are so pretty! All birds are same age, seem content together. I am excited to have the blue chickens. I plan on crossing them with my RIR roos. I am grateful for the photos! I wondered what they will look like.
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I am not who you're responding to but I figure they would look kind of similar to mine except black. I have production blues which are rhode island reds and blue australorps. This is what they look like.
Beautiful! I have RIR’s and Blue Austrolorp chicks too! I think 1 of my blues is a roo, so maybe I’ll see the same some day!😊
I'm coming across this post quite late, but I found this thread out of sheer luck. I just got new chicks from our local hatchery that are called Aquila chickens. These are Black Austalorp/Rhode Island Red cross. I have been googling for days trying to find any info on Aquila chickens and here I found this. Your chicks look exactly like mine - same white markings on black! I just wish I could find more information other than the little blurb on the hatchery's website. I can't wait for them to mature. They're super sweet already.

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