Australorps breed Thread

Hey ya'll welcome to my world. It ain't called Rattlesnake Ridge because we have a lot of butterflies! My prized breeder Dundee was the victim of a snake bite. My new cattle dog Zoey seems to keep the rattlesnake away, but the black snakes are eating my eggs left and right. The past three weeks have been the worst they seem to sneak into the coops at night when the dogs in the house. We find the snakes curled up and fat in the AM. That **** spider is what almost killed me last year, but bad grass is hard to kill.

Your luck sounds like mine, Kurt.
Hey ya'll welcome to my world. It ain't called Rattlesnake Ridge because we have a lot of butterflies! My prized breeder Dundee was the victim of a snake bite. My new cattle dog Zoey seems to keep the rattlesnake away, but the black snakes are eating my eggs left and right. The past three weeks have been the worst they seem to sneak into the coops at night when the dogs in the house. We find the snakes curled up and fat in the AM. That **** spider is what almost killed me last year, but bad grass is hard to kill.
Can you trap Snakes ? or make the hen house more secure ? maybe hardware cloth around the bottom fencing

I got one of these at a flea market u stick a egg in there and the snake will slip in the hole and eat the egg and can't get out I had a older man teach me this I just take the snake off and release it far away hope that might help out I don't pick it up with my hands though lol I have a long stick with a hook on it lol
Relocating snakes usually dooms them to a slow agonizing death. Better to go out there with a hoe, or gun, and dispatch them quickly. Some years you just get a bumper crop of them, and have to thin them out, especially the ones that are after your eggs, and livestock. Sorry about the recluse spider bite. I know several people that have been bitten, and at least one was hospitalized. Another friend has a big indented area on his leg where he was bitten. They're far more dangerous than the black widow
Relocating snakes usually dooms them to a slow agonizing death.  Better to go out there with a hoe, or gun, and dispatch them quickly.  Some years you just get a bumper crop of them, and have to thin them out, especially the ones that are after your eggs, and livestock.  Sorry about the recluse spider bite.  I know several people that have been bitten, and at least one was hospitalized.  Another friend has a big indented area on his leg where he was bitten.  They're far more dangerous than the black widow

Why? I didn't think snakes were territorial so they aren't going to be killed by a rival one like say a relocated possum etc. why do they die slowly?
I understand and respect what your saying the only ones I will try to save is the black snakes I don't mind them they eat the bad ones but once they get in my space we have a problem lol
Why? I didn't think snakes were territorial so they aren't going to be killed by a rival one like say a relocated possum etc. why do they die slowly?

I don't know about snakes being territorial or not, except for where they happen to find themselves at any given moment but I do know that WV DNR has moved thousands of them over the last 15 years.
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