Australorps breed Thread

losing your mind? anyone who takes their birds to poultry shows take the time to give their birds a bath,clean feet, blowdry them, trim toenails and beak then massage oils into the feet, shanks, earlobes, waddles and comb to create a lusterous attractivre animal to exibit.......and those who take the time to primp their birds usually take home ribbons, plaques and trophies! so join the masses of crazies who love their chickens!
I guess I am jumping off the deep end... I got three more from tigercreek. I don't know if I will ever show them, but they are so pretty they don't need the spa treatment.
The first chickens I ever had were A-lorps. I went on to others and, in time, I left chickeneering behind altogether.
Soon, I will be moving back to the country and I've been wondering what breed I will re-enter the chicken world with.
I was worried about the heat here in South Carolina... when it dawned on me that I've kept them here before!

It may just be Australorps in my future - again.
The first chickens I ever had were A-lorps. I went on to others and, in time, I left chickeneering behind altogether.
Soon, I will be moving back to the country and I've been wondering what breed I will re-enter the chicken world with.
I was worried about the heat here in South Carolina... when it dawned on me that I've kept them here before!

It may just be Australorps in my future - again.
Hey Davaroo, I'll be moving to Edgefield next spring and will be bringing my Aussies with me, along with my Good Shepherd barred rocks and Dels. Do you think we'll have much to worry about with the heat on those?? Pretty sure the Aussies will be fine......stan
hope you guys post some pics for us daveroo and stan.
as for the showing, i bath trim toenails thou with this rocky hilltop i rarely ever have go do that , blow dry, all of that........the 17 time world champion aussie breeder rarely gives his birds a bath..their environment is big and extreamly clean so his seldome does, just spot cleaning..he wrote a good book that both amature and pro can take something from..ray connors book the australorp....i have a large batch in the bator now so it will be interesting to see how they turn out..if you have a green large lot, you may not have to do a lot to get ready to show, if you are on dry lot you will have to bath and clean should really check them over too , wild birds can bring in mites cant see them at a glance but the judge wont mistake tell tale signs of them..thats why I treat 2 weeks befor a bath and periodically treat just because..its a real mess if blu jays bring you some nice bird might not know it until they look like a rag muffin..
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So much for paying exta for those pullets. 4 out of 6 are roos. I would go back to the guy because his birds look good to me. It does however delay my Black Australorp dreams. I am waiting then for Gertrude to give out her first crow. Good thing i've got some Buff Orphington soon coming of age soon. Dreaming of omelets would not be as ful
Thanks for the help!
I am world famous for hatching a box of roosters...last year i thought I had 5 pullets as blk orps often have very short combs for a long time..nope , it was 5 cockerals and 1 pullet....finnaly have very good group of aussies brewing, had terrible hens in the past..the offspring just couldnt live up to the better parent...and the 2 very good hens that I had rejected the rooster...but bought 2 doz from a show barn in mass..much bigger better birds so will see what the future holds..
I have a pair of aussies I hatched 20 weeks ago, there is 1 that I have believed to be a roo from the 1st week it was hatched because of the comb, but he/she isn't getting the pointy feathering of a roo. so can someone tell me please do the roos take longer to mature than other breeds, my brahma roo has been gone for weeks now because he was crowing and his pointy feathers came in, is it possible she is a hen with extra large comb and wattle?
I posted the idea that I have two Australorp hens that are sporting the chocolate color. Has anyone ran across this? I will try to get some pictures today of comparison of my black Australorp and the two chocolates.
@Tigercreek. Honestly I don't think the heat here in central South Carolina will be too much problem for them. Ive raised all kinds of chickens back when I was into it and they were fine.
However I didn't rear them in cages, or keep them in wide open, bare dirt runs. Mine were always in paddocks in a sort of forested area. They had soft leaves and straw beneath their feet, with shade and cover overhead..

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