Auto Bailout.......

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I would love to have a diesel F-150.

Man, if any of the US auto makers came out with a 6 cylinder diesel
that gets the mileage my Sprinter does I would trade both my trucks
in in a minute. I had an F150. I liked it. Used too much gas. I had
a Toyota Tundra too, same problem. My GMC 3500 with a mechanics
body gets 10 mpg but I spent $1500 on it plus another $1000 in parts.
It's a 97 with 164000 miles on it and runs great. It may not be a shiny
new truck but it carries 4 yards of topsoil and lots of tools too.

This thread has become a downer. I just want a US truck I know they
can build but aren't.
They may not have announced it on the news, buy they have already started laying off where my DH works, and those people were told they won't be back.
Loardstown will start laying off end of Dec from what the news is saying, I heard 10,000 people.
I don't know if the buyout will help or not, all I know is We pay our bills on time, and we have used credit mostly for emergencies and have lived with in our means.
We started out late in life, my second marriage, so saving for our future was supposed to start now, but with the high prices and everything going up, that is impossible.
I was a stay at home Mom, it was our choice, and when I went back to work, and was laid off, not enough time in for unemployment, so there goes our chance to start saving.
Jobs are scarce here, my Sons are having a hard time finding jobs, and let me tell you that the jobs the youngens would be getting, are now being filled by the older men and woman that have no choice but to take those minimum wage jobs.
I sure hope something changes fast, cuz there will be a lot of jobless, homeless people in this country.
I pray God helps us.
I seriously can't believe this thread has not been locked yet. WOW.

Our economy is in for some serious problems.

I hope there are any banks with money in 6 months.
Ted Nugent says that the state of Texas is so tired of the BS this government is forcing on the American people that they are pushing residents NOT to pay their taxes for the 2008 tax year. So, what would this Government do if eveyone in the US decided enough is enough and did NOT send in that check if they owed the government. Your right, if the unemployment goes to about 8 percent the government is going to hurt somewhat. We can not depend on our government to do the right thing. What would they do if we decided to recepricate.
We bailed out Fannie and Freddie.The mortgage companies. We gave the airlines money. But now we are telling the red headed step child to stuff it?
It is not just the car makers that are going to feel this. Not just the head honchos of the Big 3(who probably wont feel a darn thing. It is EVERYONE that will feel it. The people packing tires etc to ship. Manufactures of shipping materials(boxes etc)

Why? because of selfish and shortsighted. "It wont hurt me none" attitudes. What about those people that it will hurt? They get to collect the piddly amount of unemployment? Apply for food stamps? If he parts arent being made and things break down.. how is the food going to get there for them to buy? Fact. Not everyone can grow or raise their own food. Public transportation will suffer as well.
The stock market will suffer even more.

Rose colored glasses are bad enough. Cutting of the nose to spite the face? Foolish. Selfish and wickedly short sighted. Remember this. You all might not think it will hurt you right now. But it will. even if you dont get a paycheck from a car maker, dealer or whatever. It's gonna hurt if the government turns its back on the Big 3 And we Americans will have no one to blame but ourselves. Well,, maybe ourselves and our/or neighbors who have a huge SUV and dont need one.

idiocracy ..........

None of this makes any logical sense. Many of the airlines, if you remember went into bankruptcy and emerged as they are today. The steel industry fell and the world didn't end either.

The madness has to end. Let's face it, industries come and go. Nobody ever tells you when you start working that you have a job for life with a guaranteed pension. If the industry survives and thrives, that may happen but there are no real guarantees.

It makes no sense to keep propping up a dying industry in the US. It's just a waste of everybody's money. If my job fired me tomorrow, I'd go out and find a different job. When people put their faith in one company much like Enron or the banks today who are laying people off in droves, even with the bailout, they are going to get hurt.

The govt should not be responsible for saving dying industries unless it serves the public sector to do so. I just don't see it.​
I am new to posting but here is a thought just to ponder. What did people do before the big three???? before insurance companies. Didn't they still live a good happy life?? Our grandfathers came to this country with what??? This country was founded how???? If they can do it so can we. Just might have to make some changes.
Exactly...good point! The sense of entitlement in this country will eventually become its' ruination...

oh, and
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I can see how its gonna happen, I will make out no matter what , Im rual. Things are not going to get better for a long time. And I dont think the new guy elect can fix it ,there is just not enough taxpayer base left to buy our way out this time. Its gonna take telling the other countrys we take 1 of yours to sell you take 1 of ours. Stop the imports , when was the last time you saw an American Tv set. Ours were as good as theirs , it was the lack of import taxes. Stop giving the other guys the breaks, thats why it all went south. We need to let them fail and yet we cannot afford to let them due to loss of the tax base. My work is cutting jobs also nation wide but i will bet the top excs will still get their million plus bonus's.
Anyone watch the hearings? (CSPAN video should have them up on the web by now).

I'm betting they'll suck the billions available to them (already law) through the energy act and will get the 25 they're asking for (they might have to sell off this and that between now and the new session of congress, claw the ledge like ya mean it fellas...).

Just an observation from Forbes:

According to Forbes:

Labor cost per hour, wages and benefits for hourly workers, 2006.

Ford: $70.51 ($141,020 per year)

GM: $73.26 ($146,520 per year)

Chrysler: $75.86 ($151,720 per year)

Toyota, Honda, Nissan (in U.S.): $48.00 ($96,000 per year)

So, if the UAW could see their way to accepting what amounts to a college prof's pay, they'd be competitive (sorta).

This is near beer, nibbling at the edges: Total national debt (including unfunded mandates) somewhere between 53 and 90 Trillion dollars (depends on whether you want to use the `spooky' higher number, per Dr. Orszag of the OMB).
500 trillion in toxic securities are still floating around the world (Paulson was right to follow the European lead and reinforce strong institutions with the TARP instead of being horswoggled into paying a nickel on the dollar instead of two cents for trash). The average individual debt load of Americans is ~$27,000. We still have an average reading comprehension level in this nation comparable to that of an 8th grader. The last time I looked each of us `owns' approx. $140,000 in national debt.

I continue to buy railroad stocks like clockwork (hey, if it all goes `busto' there'll be some rolling stock available to catch the breeze and rework a few Woody Guthrie tunes).

Still driving my `86 Nissan Sentra (28-30 mpg) where's everyone been all these years???
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