automated coop door?

nifty - the difference is hardly going to break the bank!

They don't suffer with heavy cloud unless you have them on a very low setting, as the hens will tend to go to bed according to the light level, you just adjust it to shut after they've all gone in. I use the timer to open it in the morning - mainly because they are only 20 ft away from my bedroom window, but also it keeps them in until mr fox has gone home - about 8 in the morning.

And because it uses a motor to raise and lower the door it doesn't scare the hens and it will shut off if there's an obstruction rather than give the chicken a bop on the head.

If you're happy to open it manually then you could have a fairly simple circuit to release a soloniod to shut it - it'd be nice to have a bit of damping on the way down- maybe a spring loaded tailgate damper?
Cool, thanks Norm!
I'm really looking forward to getting the VSB, and then I'll post photos too after I set it up.

By the way, in case I haven't mentioned it ten times already, I really love this forum! What a great bunch of people you all are, so helpful and informative!
Thank you all for being

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Hey sounds like a good invention for someone in the US! I need one so bad. Lastnight I held my breath all the way home got home after dark and just all were okay and they were.....but one time I wasn't so lucky...

One of you needs to come up with a DIY plan for us. You all amaze me too!

K8tieCat, thanks for the link & info. I did a really quick glance, but something about that site looks a little questionable as an ecommerce site... but that's just me.

Keep on the lookout for other stateside manufacturers. I'm surprised there aren't a few different options available for automated chicken doors.
It would be interesting to see what people think of it.

Obviously the ones i sell are far superior and for the same money
The main difference is that a timer doesn't allow for early evening prowlers without regular adjustment which the light sensor is ideal for
You're right, Nifty, they aren't exactly the same, but one could say it's about time something like this showed up in the states, eh? The site seems relatively new and I surmise they are just getting underway as far as e-commerce goes. Give them some time and they may make it big.

Although installing my auto door is scheduled for next week so I can't say I've used it yet, I can say that I'm quite happy with the VSB which I bought from you, Chickenhouseman!
It is very good quality, neat and clean. I'm looking forward to getting my new chicken house completed as my chicks are due to arrive next Thursday. I had to wait for the special sized aluminum channel to come in the mail as my local hardware stores didn't carry it.
I bought one of those plans on eBay. It's a cleaver design and works like a champ. I don't have to worry about predators lifting the door, unlike the string lift UK model (not to meantion litter/bedding under the door that would keep the door open). The seller was very helpful with my questions.

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