Automatic Coop Door Reliability?


6 Years
Apr 19, 2016
American Southwest
Has anyone had issues with automatic coop doors failing, either not closing at night or opening when they shouldn't? I've had one for 2-3 years now that uses a light sensor, and last night a really heavy storm blew in. I don't know if the rain/wind/lightning did something (we had 50mph gusts with heavy rain and lots of lightning), or if it was just coincidence, but my coop door was open when I checked on it late last night after the rain stopped and I walked up on a raccoon eating one of my hens.

Right now I'm working on fixing the door's controller (I'm pretty sure it opened randomly a few hours after it got dark), but I rely on this door pretty heavily, especially when I go out of town. Has anyone had similar issues? Does anyone have suggestions to prevent this from happening again?
As with anything electronic----it can quit/malfunction. You said "fixing" the controller---did the storm knock it out?

A suggestion, I would be setting some live traps outside your coop area and catch some coons, etc. Sure sounds as though you got them hanging around. Sorry about your hen.
I think the storm might have short-circuited something, but I'm not certain. The door was acting wonky when I went out there and opened/closed a few times when it should have stayed closed.
It's homemade. I used an arduino, photo sensor, relay module, and 12V linear actuator. I can't figure out what exactly went wrong though. I'm supposed to leave for a trip soon and the only thing I can think of is to replace everything but the actuator, seeing as I don't have an extra actuator.

I would hate for this to happen when I'm gone though--I got lucky last night and walked out there before the raccoon could kill more of them. It came back 3 times while I was boarding up the door, and I'm sure it'll be coming back for quite a while now that it knows what chickens taste like. I even heard it trying to rip the hardware cloth off after I crawled into bed.
I would consider setting it on a timer instead of a PV sensor, yes you'll have to adjust it every couple of months with the longer/shorter days but that way you can keep all electrical parts out of the weather (even though the PV model should be suitably IP rated anyway, so that shouldn't really cause an issue).

This isn't the first time I've heard of people having issues with automatic doors on light sensors, things like not opening on overcast days or closing early on overcast days etc. At least on a timer, even though its slightly less convenient you know exactly when its going to open and shut.
I got my automatic coop door opener reliably working for a week now. I learnt the trick from the other post at I replaced the timer with a WIFI-enabled outlet which let me change on/off schedule or manually open/close the door via my cell phone - I really love this convenience. I also have three WIFI surveillance cameras around the chicken house, so I can easily check door is actually closed. I have yet to find a way to let it notify me when door is actually opened or closed (like my garage door does).

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