Automatic freeze proof watering?

I have a 5gal bucket with horizontal nipples and am getting prepared for our first winter with chickens here on Long Island, NY. The bucket itself has been great throughout the warm months, no cleaning needed ever and water lasts over 2 weeks for our 6 hens. I just ordered a "K&H 250-watt pail heater with no floater cord safety clip" off amazon for $30. It has an internal thermostat that says it keeps the bucket just above freezing. The amazon link is:

There is a chart on the bottom of the amazon listing that says how many watts you need per bucket size with a color coded map of North America to go by. I think you would probably just need the 500-watt model for your region but not sure, and again I haven't actually survived a winter yet so anyone else's input would be good.

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