Automatic watering

By about day three I was sick of changing the nasty water multiple times a day so I went ahead and assembled an small auto waterer using a 1 liter plastic bottle and a nipple. It took the young chicks all of about 3 minutes to get curious enough to figure it out. I say go for it! You just have to adjust for their height as they grow quickly!!!

Hi all, I am wondering if the watering cups will be able to be used by day old chicks that I will be receiving a delivery of in May. I have ordered the cups, but am now wondering if the little chickies will be able to use them.
The barrel looks almost exactly like mine that was purchased from Carey Co. I believe the price was $69.00 complete with 3 tapped holes, spigot and fittings. I would make sure anyone should inquire about the shipping process and cost, as it can get quite pricy depending on how you elect to have it shipped. It is very easy to incorporate pvc piping and nipple waterers into this setup for watering your flock. The only issue I've had with mine is that the overflow tube cant keep up during a heavy rain. Adequate drainage away from the barrel needs to be addressed. Other than praying to the rain Gods every now and then, it involves little to no time and is a very easy way to keep your coop area clean and provide drinking water to your birds.
Agreed on the overflow issue. In the great NW here we can get some HEAVY rain and it will gurgle out everywhere on the system when it does pour. I love having this system though and my overflow goes on to gravel and then down a slope away from the coop and run. I also have a screen system to pre-filter the big chunks of stuff from getting into the system and I found out last weekend that when it gets jammed with gunk it backs water up into the gutter and out everywhere. Part of my Sunday clean the coop day now is to clean the gutters and filters out! Love the whole system though......I got my barrel off of craigslist for $15 so mi feel lucky.
The barrel looks almost exactly like mine that was purchased from Carey Co. I believe the price was $69.00 complete with 3 tapped holes, spigot and fittings. I would make sure anyone should inquire about the shipping process and cost, as it can get quite pricy depending on how you elect to have it shipped. It is very easy to incorporate pvc piping and nipple waterers into this setup for watering your flock. The only issue I've had with mine is that the overflow tube cant keep up during a heavy rain. Adequate drainage away from the barrel needs to be addressed. Other than praying to the rain Gods every now and then, it involves little to no time and is a very easy way to keep your coop area clean and provide drinking water to your birds.
heck good looking water there well i was going to do the same but running a pvc gutter around the coop and naboiring building and have it run into a drum with a valve to let water run to the trough i got for my chickens but dont know yet
Depending on your available space, you could connect the overflow to drain into another bucket. I also plan to connect a hose to the over flow so it will drain away from the coop.
i was going to just have it drain right in a trought that i have but i think i am going to have a 25gallon or a 50 gallon drum to catch it in though
i was going to just have it drain right in a trought that i have but i think i am going to have a 25gallon or a 50 gallon drum to catch it in though
you got me thinking.....I thought I was done with my "Hen Heaven" but I see an overflow catch system in my future.......
I was thinking bout digging a hole about the size of a small pool, then takin some plastic, putting some flat creek rock around the plastic and making a small pond for rain water and if not enough rain just fill it up, but the rate its been raining here, it wouldn't be an issue, lol

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