Autoturn cradle clicking?


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Regina, SK
The autoturn cradle on my new Brinsea works well, and seems to be doing its job, but I notice that it clicks quite a lot whenever it turns. Not just once, but multiple times. Is this normal? It didn't seem to do this at first, but now it is. Function seems normal aside from that... What could this be?
Just got a new Brinsea myself and thought I remembered reading something about this. Had the instruction manuel right beside me so looked it up. In BIG BOLD LETTERS it says "IF A CLICKING SOUND IS HEARD THIS INDICATES OVERLOAD OF THE TURNING MECHANISM." Sorry this isn't good news... maybe you got a faulty turner?
can be a number of reasons...
something blocking the turning mechanisism (bit of dirt, grit, even dust has jammed mine!) being too close to a wall/stereo/vase etc can cause it to click as it brush past the object. too much weight (do you maybe have ostrich eggs in there lol!)

if you've ruled all those out id mail brinsea and tell them the problem, they are usually very good in answering quickly. when i bought my octogan 20 the black seperaters for the eggs were all bent and warped, within a week i had replacements in the post!
Strangely it seems to do it only when it turns backwards rather than forwards. It doesn't do it all the time. I think because it doesn't do it all the time, it's more of a physical issue than a mechanical issue. I think the parts just click as they move in a certain way... When I actually push on that part of the turner, it makes the same sort of sound. It seems to be working fine otherwise... But if I think something is up, it's still under warranty so luckily it can be replaced.
Thanks everyone.

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