

12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
I'm reading here that avocado isn't okay to give chickens, but I'm not seeing why. I've given it to my girls before. Now I'm hoping I haven't really goofed.

Any input?

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I would avoid avocado at all costs. I once tried growing an avocado tree indoors and my dog ate the small seedling down to the root. She showed no ill effects but I researched the plant's (and fruit's) toxicity. I found that other than to humans all parts of the plant and fruit are highly toxic to most domestic and wild animals.

"Avocado: Avocadoes are high in fat content and can trigger an upset stomach, vomiting or even pancreatitis. Avocado contains a toxic element called persin, which can damage heart, lung and other tissue in many animals." (http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Toxic_Foods_for_Dogs.html)

"The avocado fruit is toxic to most birds. Even a nibble of your Aunt Millie's Guacamole could kill your house pet. Use caution when growing miniatures indoors." (http://davesgarden.com/pf/atgo/2092/)

"Ingestion of avocado ( Persea americana ) has been associated with myocardial necrosis in mammals and birds and with sterile mastitis in lactating mammals. Cattle, goats, horses, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, sheep, budgerigars, canaries, cockatiels, ostriches, chickens, turkeys, and fish are susceptible. Caged birds appear more sensitive to the effects of avocado, while chickens and turkeys appear more resistant. A single case report exists of 2 dogs developing myocardial damage secondary to avocado ingestion."
Thanks for the info, Picco. From the looks of that, even though I've given avocado in the past, I don't think it's worth taking a chance on it again.

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I am possitive that avocados are poison to parrots but I don't know about chickens. I would suggest just not doing it in the future. An avacado will kill a parrot right away, so if you're chickens are okay don't worry about it. Just don't do it anymore.

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