AVOCADOS: poisonous for birds?

Well, I've fed my chickens avocados (peels mostly) in the past with no problems. I wonder if it's just parrots and tropical birds.
I put "avacados poison to birds" in as a google search and found tons of articles. I used to breed cockatiels and parakeets and subscribed to several big bird magazines and there would be an article every month about the dangers of avacados to birds. If this applies to chickens too I don't know but I have known people who ahve lost birds because of avacado so I just wouldn't risk it.
Parrot person here too.
All parrot people know about Avacadoes, it seems.
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I gave up on my birds knowing what was best for them when I caught them all eating a block of Styrofoam pellets.

That said, for the most part I don't overly police what they do / don't eat, but that's interesting about the avocados.

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