The Ayam Cemani eggs color, cockerel and hen have got a lot of folks talking over the past couple of years.

It is a completely black bird- inside and out, so the Indonesian people have come to associate the bird with mystical or Dark Arts wherever it is seen.

If you have an hobby of owning or collecting exotic looking chickens, you might want to add this black chicken to your collection. This black Indonesian chicken breed is a rare breed, and cannot be mistaken for another.

It’s completely black, with feathers that have a metallic sheen. It’s skin is black, has a black beak, black feathers, and the roosters have a black comb. What’s even stranger? All of its internal organs and bones are black, too.

Currently, they remain a hard bird to find and are pretty difficult to obtain (reputable US breeders are sold until 2019!)
I had gotten a pure AC egg from out of my state, and it hatched a male. When it grew up, a friend of mine, from my area who breeds AC wanted him, for fresh blood, and traded a lovely little AC hen for him. The rooster was a beauty, the hen is also very pretty! Her name is Olive.(HEN BELOW)
She was so broody, it was hard to get her to lay eggs. She did hatch out one chick of hers that was just for me. I am not breeding AC. Below is her chick AC/BCM one week old in pic. She is about 7-8 weeks old now. the chick's name is Oli.
The Ayam Cemani eggs color, cockerel and hen have got a lot of folks talking over the past couple of years.

It is a completely black bird- inside and out, so the Indonesian people have come to associate the bird with mystical or Dark Arts wherever it is seen.

If you have an hobby of owning or collecting exotic looking chickens, you might want to add this black chicken to your collection. This black Indonesian chicken breed is a rare breed, and cannot be mistaken for another.

It’s completely black, with feathers that have a metallic sheen. It’s skin is black, has a black beak, black feathers, and the roosters have a black comb. What’s even stranger? All of its internal organs and bones are black, too.

Currently, they remain a hard bird to find and are pretty difficult to obtain (reputable US breeders are sold until 2019!)
Not only have you missed the boat on these. Boats long gone.
Saw some AC selling at auction couple months ago for less then barred rocks sold for.
I never saw the craze with the ACs myself. Black silkies have everything the ACs do plus silkie feathers and they've been here for decades.

I will chat with you, I have one female AC, "Olive"

She had one baby "Oli" a girl AC/BCM and that hen looks like mom but has a copper neck.
the AC/BCM has a smooth darker than brown, but not real dark like a full BCM. Plus the egg is bigger and I get more than an AC.
Thanks for replying :wee, I had a few questions about how genetics work with Ayam Cemanis,
I bought an AC rooster I believe, he is 3/4 AC 1/4 Americauna (7m) and would like to breed him with some of my hens in the spring, (3 ISA, 3 RIR, 2 BR)
So how strong would his dark pigment be passed on to hatched chicks?
My Female hen is pure, her baby has all black everything, but the neck is a bit copper. That being said the pure mom has few eggs that are small. I would not breed them for egg production.

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